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Everything posted by KornelKobak

  1. My first carved headstall All hardware - solid brass
  2. For sale. Prise is 200 $ + shipping. More pictures here Shoulder Bag
  3. Thanks First Acrylic Resolene on flowers, later Antique Finish Gel - Eco Flo. Leather on upper section is veg-tan leather 4 mm. thanks this is my idea
  4. Yeah me too, but now I am aboard so do it when I'll be back. This one will be at my saddle bags
  5. Thanks I will show you more when it's finished
  6. https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/DIY-35mm-Craft-Hardware-Quick-Release-BOR-Solid-Brass-Belt-Buckle-Firefighter-Buckle-Demountable-Buckle-Removable/32795382399.html?spm=a2g17.10010108.1000016.1.277e2acbewNZo&isOrigTitle=true
  7. It is - Poland - especially east is a bit wild. May one day you will visit - it's nice place to travel
  8. I was moulding a leather for a saddle bags ( firs time), but it was to flat, so I didn't know what to do with this, and this happened A little dirty, cause of oiling and my little experience with painting that time. There is a place for a pocket knife and some hunting papers in a flap.
  9. Buckles on the back is 1/2 solid brass - strong enought. Front buckle is 3/4 - must be a bit stronger ( the same strap) .
  10. Horse Leather, Handstich, All hardware - Solid Brass,
  11. I have for sale a replica of pony-express saddle hand made by Iri Votava - 30 years of expiernce saddlemaking man from Czech Republic ( http://www.ranchgallop.com/cz/sedla/) Saddle is brand new. All is done by hands. Saddle-tree is rawhide covered. All hardware is solid brass For More question call +420723411 Price is 3000 $
  12. What is this saddle brand ? old saddle
  13. Yes I used this method Making High Quality Leather Bag Moulds . I left leather for 2 days. Stiching is by hands. Horse tail ornaments is my idea
  14. Two old Saddle Bags - All hardware is solid brass
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