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Everything posted by Hennessy

  1. thank you n gods blessings b on you too adios pete
  2. thank you bruce for your kind words.i put the scripture on for a number of years,fell off th cart,believed but did'na make it public anymore, back on track now though,it hits my heart to hear statements such as yours at times from different places n people over the years,we need to seek that truth while we're still walkin n talkin eh, god bless amigo, adios pete
  3. lol i thought it was a cell phone but yer right pete
  4. thank you guys,fer your kind words,i posted more but only 4 made it eh.those riggins elton are pre shapin.note th latigo's their bein pull'd opposite of normal,made it easier to get to spread.i did that on all me rigs,i had a feeling,th broncs appreciated it too.the 4th rig in was one for th great human bein n 4 time world champ marvin garrett,he avg'd 3 or 4 a year n his hangin em on th fence got me mucho customers eh.adios pete
  5. heres another good way to hand sew,you need two awls one to make a hole, one to hold a hook needle from a lock stitch machine.you hole first, then push the hook thru catch th bottom thread in hook pull loop to the top,put top thread thru loop,pull bottom thread down till all slack is removed, then pull lock to middle out of site.usually make 10 holes n sew,goes pretty good and is as good as two needles i think adios pete
  6. heres a compilation of chaps i've made over the years,each one individualised i can't ever remember makin two th same pete
  7. greybeard made me a man billfold,very nice,twas his first.i never did anything good on my 1st attempt i'm envious of youf ability ol chap. adios pete
  8. i 'm a bit slow getting mind n fingers goin together here's what i'm parabling about.toyotastarted out with a car or two and overcame every kind of negative from all over.every time the competition drew level they pull'd one more out of th hat.celica corolla etc etc now they have a line that doesen't even bear their name lexus and every one knows. now is that sales or marketing?seems to me,availability to various levels of purchasers means more sales and thus more referals pete
  9. i started out in sydney australia many moons ago,i worked in two old prestigious saddle shops and still recall a bit of wot i learned.we made a lot of thread 4 5 6 or more strands.we allways tapered the ends down in a long taper n beeswax'd thread good down to the ends.when we threaded th needle, the thread was thin at the eye making th needle easier to pull through.when i hand sew cantles or seams i get my waxed thread in 5 or 6 strand hold it on my bench n pull it under a knife blade, feathering down the ends for 6inches or a li'l less then re wax th ends heavy n thread needles to hang in th taper area, it helps when passing thru holes eh adios n hoo roo pete
  10. hey dink well made,hung well[excellently executed]and made for show n winnin rides at th rodeo.hard to improve those peter john
  11. this is a learning curve,keep curving but try your best to straighten er up eh.taking checks is another tester,i found my business actually increased when i started taking credit cards no problems either,allways get a deposit 30percent or more,half is better, no refund,figure a pick up time frame also.be firm but courteous. pete
  12. welcome to the world of volume,someones always gonna pop up n kick you in the market place.here's what i'd do, carefully look over his product and make exactly the same product cheaper by a little and add them into your line,a pro line and an amateur line guess wot would be th amateur line? adios pete
  13. when i was a lad growing up in australia,i worked in two old prestigious shops fer a time.the stitching awl makes a hole in whatever happens to be in front of the point,for needles n thread,there is a scratch awl also kinda like a pointed screw driver meant to mark lines on leather n various other sundry jobs too.i've had two good stitching awls made from medium size phillip screwdrivers ground down and temper'd long n thin good on cantles,you just need to be handy on a grinder, a local mexican saddlemaker made mine adios peter john
  14. g'day kiwi,ahm a texalian been ear 4ever seemslike i live near greenville tx been in the lea business 40 years or more my phone is 9032698388 we have a lot of compatibles you paint better for sure you can google peter john hennessy saddles n catch some propaganda on me,welcome to lw mebe you can visit sometime eh adios pete

  15. i agree with th montanan,100 years ago some wise old sage sat on a gate and culled the herd into pit ponys, cart horses , wagon types, saddle horses and they were sold that way probably based on confirmation.100 years later and theres well meaning horse owners with cart horses to ride etc etc.not every one sits like they should, some never will no matter who's wing they land under for direction.white spots on troubled areas usually mean problems,tender backs n tender loins also,its unfortunate but thats th crux the horse can try to communicate,excessively n he's gone.rider awareness must come first and then us knowledgable saddlemaker fitters can lead them into the light of right now how do we go about doin it pete
  16. i drew you in the pif,i've tried to contact u at least three times i'm only gonna make one tho need your address pete
  17. i too have cut up quite a bit of rawhide,i found a hand held electric jig saw cuts dry raw ideal,but you have to flatten your hide,it's not hard to store a flat large object,a dry spot out of reach of yer dog.a bathtub is good if your gonna use it all at once.the more you wet dry rewet rawhide the weaker it gets,i've heard of folk keeping projects in th freezer n thaw out when needed pete
  18. dwight,trace out your pattern on some scrap,get some seeders select th size you like,tool in yer patt'n to look beaded, paint in your colours,if you like it do your holster i tool a lot of beaded stuff this way and everyone thinks its beaded eh pete
  19. if you have a fishin boat, get some rope and turn that antique into an anchor. pete
  20. i like your idea on choosing a piece,instant inspiration at the click of a mouse, what a site that would be,hope for all n for all to see,masterpieces for you n me! pete
  21. g'day jeo,a strap hand eh?pete

  22. a question ,ive been playing at embossing haven't really read or saw a video,anyhoo as a filler how about wood putty n sawdust 50\50 just experimenting with stuff but i'm likin this emboss'n stuff eh pete
  23. i drew u in pif,please send me an address ok i'll get on yer stuff this week pete

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