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Everything posted by ByNelson

  1. I will try to find a project for the leather that will work with the nice patina it already got. I really appreciate all your help and ideas. Kind regards Sarah
  2. Well restoring is ok, but I really don’t have the space to store 2 ekstra bags... and I think it will be hard to sell them... The one above I already cut up, but I will think about it some more before doing any more cutting
  3. Maybe I will with one of them... but I don’t have the need for 3 identical bags but I try to salvage what I can from the rest ... anybody want to share stuff that they made with old reused leather would be great...
  4. I have wiped it with water and saddle soap and NFO... then I gave it a bit of balm.... still feels a bit dry so maybe I’ll give it more conditioning... but it have a beautiful color... and would look good reused...
  5. I think it’s like 2 mm thick veg leather... I’ve posted a pic so you can see what I’m talking about
  6. That what I thought to do but only the big parts can be used I think.. maybe wallets or something
  7. Hello all I just got a free load of leather and skins... among this was three old school bag like 60’ style... and now I’m thinking about if it’s possible to cut it up and cleaning it and then reusing it, but is it a good idea? I do like the thought of not just throwing things away but I’m not really sure how it would work... anybody tried using really old stuff? And if you did what did you make? Kind regards Sarah
  8. 120-140 $ range... Got three so the price was different for each
  9. Hello just wanted to update this thread I ended up getting my makers mark from Buckeye Engraving, what helpful people they are... and I just love the quality of my three stamps... below I attached a picture of my practice pad ... I will be using this company again in the future, I just couldn’t be happier
  10. I really like this style, lovely work and I’m all in when it comes to keeping it simple
  11. I’m no pro, but I got myself a Knipschield knife, best thing I ever did for my leatherwork.... expensive yes, but damn it’s a good one!
  12. What size slit do you cut for a dog leash ?
  13. It holds up perfectly... no problem at all... the dogs still use them every day
  14. Thats impressive... Great work sir !
  15. I really like your blue tones in that picture, how do you get them so rich?
  16. Your welcome, it’s all about how we can help each other
  17. Your welcome, I take no credit it’s not my templet, but it gives a nice overall look off the way it is built.
  18. There is a ok tutorial by HollyMann here : http://www.instructables.com/id/Leather-Tote-DIY/.Not the same measurement but you get the main structure. I added his pattern, it’s free so I don’t think it’s a problem
  19. I guess you will be right and time just fly by..
  20. Thanks mutt I hope it will, I like the stitch and rivets... you just never know how much beating it will be put through
  21. Hello Ferg I hand stitch everything I make, can’t afford anything els I have done both this outer stitching and inner... I think it looks more “polished” when the stitch is inside... and with this one I was going for a rougher old school style... I guess it’s just up to the maker the leather is one piece + the inside pocket I have added a picture which have both an inside and outside stitch .. both made with hand stitch and an awl
  22. So im going to a local design market and therefore have been a busy little bee... made this tote from a veg shoulder and stitched it up with “fil au chinois” off white thread.... it also have a small pocket on the inside for all the nic nac ... I’m happy with it What do you think?
  23. I really like your idea, but I would definitely make it less wide, so it looks like you wear the tie and not the other way around but that’s just one woman opinion
  24. Beautiful belt, you did great!
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