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    Middle Tn

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    tack, holsters
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  1. Thanks folks that's what I was after!!!! Mike
  2. Tom I to have been thinking about using a air brush but have the same questions you had. Now that we know it will work and give a much better finish we need someone to tell us how hard clean up is and how often you have to clean one. Can you just leave the leather sheen or what ever in it if you will be using it every day or two. Thanks for asking !!!! Mike
  3. It's the same as when handstiching, glue needs to be used to hold items in place as you sew. You can also use small tacks in order to hold things togeather and pull them out as you go. Enjoy your machine!!!
  4. as always Steve another super nice saddle !!!!
  5. as always karl great work !!!!! your photograpy amazes me.
  6. Outstanding !!!! Jeff made mine and I have been very happy with it.
  7. Your on the right track crystal, something like BlackRock or any good oil cond. will be fine.
  8. Deep throat Champion I think from the early 1900's I have used it now over 25 yrs. It still works and sews as nice as it ever did. The machine is powered by the pedals as the operator sits in the old tractor style seat. This machine has a awl that punches the hole and the hook needle comes up from the bottom to catch the thread.
  9. Thanks It was outstanding !!!! Needed more FXR LOL
  11. I use a round knife for all of my work and nothing else period. I try to keep the edge at a 17 - 20 degree angle. I only sharpen about once a month complety. I touch up about every other day on 2000 grit wet dry paper and strop with jewlers rouge several times a day when in use. There is nothing like a sharp knife and it is a must. On the other hand there is nothing like a dull knife and they are very dangerous. I try and keep my knives way past sharp. I tell folks my knives are like taking a new razor blade and sharpening them to cut. Rawhide did a very good thread just a few days ago on sharpening your tools. Hope this helps. How to sharpen a head knife
  12. Thanks Randy !!! This gun is what we call a POS. But hey he's paying the bills.
  13. Made this for a bounty hunter friend. Holster holds single shot pistol that fires 410 shotgun shell or a 45 LC. Holster holds one extra round. Holster is molded to hold gun and shell with no extra straps. Just thought this was a little different.
  14. myself and lots of others would love any help you can give!!! thanks mike
  15. thanks mike
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