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Everything posted by Waranafella

  1. Hi all , just a couple more collars that i have completed. Cheers Craig
  2. Awesome love the theme. Even got the rusty old ute.
  3. Sorry Brian for the long delay in replying, been busier than a bricklayer in Beirut. The leather is 2mm veg tanned ,16mm buckle and d's from mac lace leather supplies Capalaba Brisbane, 25 mm wide were the flames start. I used neopaque paint by jacquard have found them to be very durable and keep colour well. And they are available at my local craft store. There is 3 coats of yellow sponged on 2 coats of the other colours both sponged and brushed, 3 coats of seal and shine. The collar is unlined.
  4. Hi all have been inspired by the great work i have seen on here to use acrylic paints and some tooling to create a different collar for my terrier (i think he runs faster with it on ) it was a learning experience. Let me know what you think. Cheers Craig
  5. I have made a few collars over the years and was inspired by the great work i have seen on here to use acrylic paints and some tooling to create a different collar for my terrier, (i think he runs faster with it on) im pleased with the final result. Cheers, Craig
  6. I really like the idea, well done. They look good too. I think the domed one would be better for pressing a stitch into a groove because the pressure would be more concentrated on the centre of the wheel and probably less likely to leave unwanted impressions from the edge if it was a flat surface rolling.
  7. Very nice work Scott, like the texture look and the line of cross hatching just gives it an extra depth.
  8. Simple bi fold wallet i have made a few of these with various patterns, pics, logos. The one i use is around 1 yr old and still holding together. The outer is 1.5mm veg tanned leather and the inner is 1mm pre dyed upholstery leather/synthetic. I like to use that for the inner as i think it is more durable, the plastic cards going in and out will wear normal leather quite quickly. Thanks for looking. Craig
  9. Thanks Ross, i must say you do some outstanding work and i hold your opinion in high regard. Just a quick question, would i have to continue the welt all the way around the two pieces or just on the edge side? As for the moulding coming up a bit more that is something that i do on other knife sheaths and could possibly do on this knife aswell. I find that the position of the rivets pulls the leather in a bit so when the knife goes in it has to stretch a tiny bit making a firm interference fit. Yes you do need special equipment to grind and polish stone, i belong to a club that supplies the equipment so i dont have to outlay a heap of money and the social aspect of the club is good too. Craig Thanks Mr Yeti, i dyed the whole lot cherry and built up the color in the middle applying with a sponge letting it dry between coats untill it was the color i wanted. I then used the same sponge with a couple of drops of black into the cherry so it wasnt fully black but a very dark cherry and worked to the outer edge. The final step was to apply straight black on the very outer edge and as far in as the stitching. Have dyed another one the same way which ended up slightly darker. I have also been experimenting with an eye dropper to apply some random drops and had some good results. Craig
  10. Looks good. Was the lettering done by hand? It is challenging to do lettering that small and remain readable, good job.
  11. Thanks garypl yes the rivet does look somewhat out of place, you dont really notice these things when your making them. i was trying to reduce the space between the stiching and outer edge and in doing so didnt leave enough room for the rivet.(heres to learning). I dont make the knives i buy them as blanks then i cut grind and polish the stone before fitting them to the blank. I hope one day to be able to forge my own blades and that will also be a journey.
  12. Gday fellow leather workers, have browsed this site for months now and have finally built up the courage to join and post some of my work. First of all i have been totally inspired and gobsmacked at the level of work presented and the encouragement offered here. A couple of knife sheaths i made for my many stone handled knives i make. Feel free to comment and thanks for looking.
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