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About iwannabeacowboy

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/27/1954

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  • Interests
    Learning the art of leathercrafting. Western movies.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Everything I make is special!!(none yet, lots to learn)
  • Interested in learning about
    the whole process
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    searching for used tools

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  1. I use Ad Muncher and have no problems at all. I never see the ads. charlie
  2. ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/US-CS-Leather-Emboss-Plates-2-3-4-x-1-5-8-Each-/320596287658?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4aa50720aa charlie
  3. beautiful work on the pouches, and your colors look perfect. it makes me realize how far i've yet to go. charlie
  4. Stewart-that almost sounds like a country song.

  5. bobocat-Thanks for the pic's. Very nice, clean design, center with your tooling really sets the bag off. I made the mistake of showing my wife your pictures, now I've got to try and make one. charlie
  6. some off the shelf ones http://www.leatherunltd.com/hardware/mallet_dies/mallet_dies.html the only problem is sometimes they take awhile to ship charlie
  7. http://www.carvingpatterns.com/grape-mantels.htm http://www.carvingpatterns.com/thumbs/grape-mantels-thumb.html http://www.carvingpatterns.com/oakand.htm http://www.carvingpatterns.com/thumbs/oakthumbs.html http://www.fotosearch.com/illustration/hops.html http://www.fotosearch.com/UNC115/u16627288/ not sure if this helps or not charlie
  8. It says the letters fit all their hot tools. I would assume any of the hot tools would work, it depends what package you want to get. Some come with different design tips with them for decorative ideas. charlie
  9. Very nice design & coloring. I've been following your work and hope someday to get to your level. The extra row of lacing is it functional or just decorative. Regardless it really sets off this seat. charlie
  10. http://www.walnuthollow.com/26162alphahotstampsclam.aspx used with http://www.walnuthollow.com/28967creativeleatherbrandingtool.aspx charlie
  11. Returning to work after a year off. Not looking forward to it.

  12. Ray-It seems your in a position to make a change (I wish I had this problem). Is there any way you can rebuild your garage by adding another level to it? This would help with the extra room to set up your machines and build a large cutting area which could double as the work in progress section. Leather storage I've solved by building overhead storage with lighting mounted under it. An apprentice fresh out of school(cheap) that would want to learn the trade isn't a bad idea. You get some help and they get some experience. " I could get a 'store-front' and use the space to create a great workshop with a small retail capability." this also sounds like a good idea if something is available around your area. Although with working out of your home your saving money, and have a tax write off. If you hire a trainee, I think you'll get your money's worth out of them by saving your time for more productive things. I've been laid up with 3 shoulder surgeries this past year, and will be returning to work on Aug 9th. Haven't been able to do any leather work at all for the past year. By this time I was hoping to have an on line business going, but will have to work on it this coming year. I also work out of a spare bedroom that is to small for me. Maybe in a year or two I'll have a problem like you have, but till then I continue to struggle with limited work space. I hope you find a solution that works out for you. charlie
  13. If you can't find the dust, maybe try grinding some up? Or try melting some down.
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