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Everything posted by AndyL1

  1. Glad I could help in some small way. I love all the info I get from this board. I learn something new everyday! Cheers, Andy
  2. I think normally what is in there is a steel bar that the handle is riveted to. You could probably hit up the local hardware store or metal yard for a length. I've never actually done it before so as far as gauge/size I don't know. Andy
  3. Cheers to that! I just donated. Andy
  4. Excellent! I've been really thinking about getting plates made. I have an antique book press that would be perfect for pressing designs like this. Thanks for the info! -Andy
  5. Beautiful! There is so much detail it looks like it took years to finish. ;-) Cheers, Andy
  6. Those look pretty cool! I like the color on both and the scalloped edge on the second. Where did you find such large celtic stamps? Dig it! Cheers, Andy
  7. Gus you rock! Thanks for that! Cheers, Andy
  8. :rofl::rofl::rofl: Andy
  9. Thanks! Off to make a few more since I have enough leather left over. Andy
  10. Hey gang, A recent customer needed a belt for his kilt. I obliged! ;-) Details: 2' wide, five conchos with eyelets in between. Eco-Flo Java brown with an antique finish. A few coats of Tan Kote followed up with some Atom Wax. He had his own buckle so I put snaps on it so he can swap in any buckle. This came out really nice! Off in the mail tomorrow. Cheers, Andy
  11. That's the one! Thanks for posting that up again. I had lost it. -Andy
  12. Is that stuff food safe? Does it stand up to beer and alcohol? Just curious... Andy
  13. I seem to remember one posted in here a long time ago. I was going to make one too. I'll dig around too and see if I can find the link. Cheers, Andy
  14. Ahh... see the link now. I was looking for it in your reply and didn't realize you had updated the original post at the top. Thanks for the link! Great info in there. -Andy
  15. Sorry Simran, I don't see a link either.... Hmmmm..........
  16. Hmmm... I think there was a problem attaching the attachment. -Andy
  17. Thanks man! It's not so much of a "dry" sponge I guess. What I use is an old kitchen sponge, and dampen it under the faucet with water. Squeeze the water out so much that the sponge is just soft and slightly damp. I pour some black dye into a paper plate, not a lot maybe a couple of table spoons. I just touch the sponge into the dye to draw up a little then pat an old rag to get the excess off. The sponge now is just barely loaded with some dye and I begin to pat the edges of the bag. I usually hold one end of the sponge and kind of slap it against the leather, changing angles as I go to keep a very random pattern. I repeat this process a few times as I just try to build up the color. Too much black dye all at once won't look as good. It would look like you used the sponge as a rubber stamp and all you see is "sponge" pattern. Once I get it to where I like it, I'll let the dye set for a few minutes. Then with a dry white rag I'll come back and rub off some areas. It kind of removes some black here and there on the high spots like around some of the stitching. Makes for a cool effect. Check out the bottom edge of this bag to see what I mean. Thanks again! Andy
  18. Messy workbench! Time to clean.

  19. Unfortunately I don't have a photo (gave the bag away already) but basically the horizontal bar pivots up and slides out of the slotted catch it is in. It's a three-piece hardware. Thanks! Got it from Ohio Travel Bag. Thanks a ton!
  20. Hey all, Here's the third thing to come off my bench recently. Before I make one more bag, I really need to clean my bench! Cheers, Andy
  21. Thanks a ton! My photo setup is fairly basic. I took these photos on the island in my kitchen actually! The leather underneath is the flesh side of an oil tanned hide draped over a tall box to get a nice seamless backdrop.I get some nice natural light from the garden window on the right and I turn on some lights to the left. Gear: Nikon D70s Nikon SB-600 Speedlight Tripod Photoshop CS3 I shot these at F/4.5 so I get a nice shallow depth of field and the Speedlight pointed at the ceiling for a good bounce fill. I use the timer on the camera so I can stand to the left with a bounceboard to pop a little light into the left side. I usually like to shoot outside but in a pinch I think my kitchen setup works good too.
  22. Hey Gang, Well it's been a while since I've posted something up here so I figured I should share what I've done lately. Here we go! Two messenger bags both done in 4/5 oz veg tan. One is mahogany and the other brown. Both done in my dry-sponge weathering effect. They both measure 15x11x4.5. Thanks for looking. Cheers, Andy
  23. Ferg, Thanks a ton for that PDF explaining needle sizes and what they do. I have this problem when sewing up mu veg-tan too. I'm studying this now so I can get better at sewing as well. Great info! Do you happen to have something similar that explains needle/thread combinations? Cheers, Andy
  24. Am I the only one who can't see the photos? ;-( Andy
  25. That is cool! Nice amount of detail you have in there. Stitching, stamping, layering. Cool buckle too. How wide is it? Looks about 1.5"? Cheers, Andy
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