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  • Location
    Central California
  • Interests
    Saddle Making, Cowboy Tack and Gear

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Saddle Making
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    Techniques and traditional skills
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  1. I use Skidmore's leather conditioner for most leathers, and Ray Holes Saddle Butter for latigo - type leathers. I buy it by the case and use it like it was free. Stay away from "conditioners" that have alcohol and anything "gimicky".
  2. I have a tool which allows me to set leathers off the saddle. This stretches the leathers and contours the fenders at the same time and doesn't require a drawdown stand. It is much better than the broomstick method because you can apply lots more pressure and the set will remain, even if the thong comes unwrapped.
  3. oh! You're from Africa. Do you know ....?
  4. Don't bother even trying it without a full loader with either live ammo, or preferably a full complement of snap caps. You'll just end up doing it over.
  5. I didn't do it myself, but I have one that someone else made for me. Works great with a multi-diameter wooden spindle and various "cuts" for 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, and 3/4 edges.
  6. My buddy and I have been looking for the same thing over the past couple of days. A friend got me a sheet of 5 mil clear acrylic from someplace in Carson City, but I can't run that down. It looks like Lowes might have what we need, but since we both live out here in the weeds, we won't get to town to check it out until near the end of the week. I'll report back.
  7. I sew all of mine, as it avoids the corrosion problem. Have you considered that?
  8. Welcome. Haven't heard from nor of Mississigua since the War of 1812. What's been going on up there since then?
  9. Look at how the blade attaches, then buy one like it. Or at least know who the maker if that knife is and buy it from the maker.
  10. When you buy the replacement blade, make certain that it will be compatible with your knife. Not all blades fit all knives.
  11. Kinda left that a bit open=ended there, Reddodge. Want to be a bit more specific?
  12. The closest supplier to you is probably Goligers, in Ventura. Carlos is very knowledgeable and will not steer you wrong. As for tools, I would suggest that you invest in a good head knife and if you will be doing any tooling at all, a top-quality swivel knife. Before investing in a lot of other tools, it would be helpful to know what types of this you will build. Saddle making takes a whole different set of tools than does wallet and belt making. Let me know where I can help.
  13. Good luck. Lots of resources here. What part of California?
  14. Dear Elk, You bet. In fact that's the way I first learned to construct a saddle. First off, are you certain that the leather is not recoverable? I had an old Lichtenberger Fergeson that was harder than Chinese Arithmetic and I treated it for nearly 18 months, but it eventually came around and is now back in use. As for "decent shape" -- either the tree is in good shape or it's not. Remember that eventually someone will be riding this and covering up structural problems with leather will not serve them when/if they get into a jackpot. Check for strength and integrity prior to attempting to re-build on the tree. Good luck and let us see the result - or pictures in progress.
  15. Where are you located? And the operative question is, How strong/big are you? Do you need more than a leash? Are you the weak link in the chain or is it the leash. Need more to go on.
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