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About BrotherRon

  • Birthday 06/21/1950

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  • Interests
    Leather working, reading the Bible.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Smaller leather projects
  • Interested in learning about
    Larger Leather Projects such as purses, handbags
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. What are the dimensions of this clock? Thank You
  2. Absolutely awesome. Is this belt hand stitched?
  3. Awesome job. Looks great.
  4. Beautiful stitching.. Did you use the single or double needle method?
  5. John 3:16 John 3:16 King James Version (KJV) 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
  6. Hello all, I am attempting to sell my projects online with Etsy but I need help on how to photograph them. I see all these people who are selling have great photos of there work and I am sure that some have their projects done professionally. I cannot afford that so I am looking for help on how to photograph my projects so I can sell them online. Can any of you tell me how you take your pictures here? Thank you very much for your help. God Bless
  7. Hello all, I am attempting to sell my projects online with Etsy but I need help on how to photograph them. I see all these people who are selling have great photos of there work and I am sure that some have their projects done professionally. I cannot afford that so I am looking for help on how to photograph my projects so I can sell them online. Can any of you tell me how you take your pictures here? Thank you very much for your help. God Bless
  8. This stuff works great. I got the 8.5 X 11 sheets but it is the same stuff.
  9. Thank you Rohn. Nice to hear from you and I will check out e-bay. By the way, I love your signature. God Bless
  10. Hello, I purchased some self adhering cork from Amazon, three pcs 8.5 X 11. It was extremely cheap like $3.00. I put it on the back of my T-Square and NO MORE SLIPPING. Definitely worth the three dollars. Hope this helps you. God Bless
  11. Hello, if your leather is already wet then I would suggest wrapping it in plastic either a sealable plastic bag like zip loc or if it is too big for that then you can use plastic wrap. If you are using the bag, make sure you try to get out all the air that you can. There should be no need to have to re-wet it when you are ready to continue. Hope this helps. God Bless
  12. Hello Jack, this URL should take you right to the Tandy video on how to use the beveler tool. www.tandyleather.com/en/product/x514-craftool-basketweave-stamp Hope this helps. God Bless
  13. It is imperative that you let the black dry for at least 24 hours or you will get the conditions you described. ALWAYS let the black dry for al least 24 hours and this should solve your problem.
  14. Are you going to be stitching this cover? If so, don't forget to add 1/4" to all sides to accommodate for the stitching lines.
  15. Hello all, I have started making small leather projects after 40 yr hiatus. I am currently making items such as designer keychains, small notebooks, book covers such as bible covers, any book cover specially made, belts etc. You get the picture. I am a 68 yr old disabled vet looking to sell these items at a modest price, just enough to cover the price of materials. Any good ideas on how I could go about this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and God Bless Entry Actions Report Entry
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