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  1. And as usual.... as soon as I ask for help, I go on to figure it out. I think I have this solved folks!
  2. Hi folks! - I have an issue I need some help with. My Brushless Servo Motor model TN-400 on my Cobra Class 3 is stuck on reverse. When I hold down the down arrow it shows "5.0" Sometimes I can get it to say "L.0" and when that happens I can go from 0-9 but I seem to be unable to get it to go forward. I called leather sewing machine and I get the answering machine (understandable as most businesses are closed these days with the COVID-19 issues) If anyone has any input it would be much appreciated. Thank you all!
  3. SOLD. Thank you.-
  4. I just got the basic package from Toledo. It does not have the table or all the extra whistles. I need it gone by Dec 10th the latest.
  5. PRICE DROP!! $1,500 takes it! (I am moving and I need it gone soon!) Who needs a new Leather Sewing Machine?
  6. I have a hardly used Cowboy 4500 in Golden Colorado for sale. Cost new was about $3500+ delivered. I made 40 knife sheaths with it. You can take it home for $2,500. or best offer. The buyer must pick up in Golden, CO. My wife is not good at lifting heavy stuff. If you can read this post, the machine is still available. I will edit this post once it sells.
  7. This helped quite a bit. We got through the day. Thank you!
  8. Thank you. I will give it a shot. The leather is indeed lifting on the upswing.
  9. Wondering if anyone else has this problem. When I stitch somewhat thicker leather sheaths my machines (Cobra class 3 and class 4) are skipping stitches. This does not seem to happen when the leather being stitched is somewhat thin. Any tips or troubleshooting advice appreciated.
  10. Thank you, everyone! Now.. the wait for delivery.
  11. I am extremely excited about this and I want to tell the world about it. But they would just look at me with a blank look. No one else would know what I am talking about if I told them other than the people here. So here I am! I just got a monster sewing machine and I feel like I just got a new sports car. For those of you out there who have one of these, what's the learning curve like? Any tips/tricks you wish to pass on would be greatly appreciated.
  12. I wonder if there is another forum somewhere were people are saying the same thing about us leatherworkers. Something along the lines of.." I called up a leather place to see if they could do this and that for me and do you have any idea how much they wanted to charge me ?!?!!? the insanity!!.... etc. etc."
  13. Hey Scott, Is this for IWB or OWB? and just to clarify you mean a Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 in 9mm with a 4" bbl. ? When do you need it by?
  14. Thank you all! I went in a completely new direction with no idea what the outcome would be and this happened. No complaints!
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