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    St. George, Utah

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  1. Leather is leather and can be creased, bent, cased, molded, formed, etc. Your pocket is doing one (+) of the above, especially if it is thick leather as it can compress. Consider it "gently worn" 😊
  2. I'd buy that for a dollar! (movie reference) OK - a hundred at least - for my bike riding! 😁
  3. I'd say you did a very good job - very few people are perfect! Welcome to Normal!!
  4. So, do you have it on the right hip and lean to the left or the other way round? 😆
  5. VERY Clever!!
  6. If it vacuum seals tightly, how do you get the knife out as the shape would prevent that? (bulge at the bottom)
  7. If you'd be so kind as to send it to me - I'd give it a very good inspection and let you know what I think of your work. 😁 If not, then a very good job indeed!!
  8. You did a Very Nice Job! Don't have to take a back seat to anyone.
  9. For my strop - I used thinner leather on a wood board (with handle). The reason is simple (and hinted at above - without realizing it). It won't "give" under stropping pressure. The thinner the better (4oz +-) works just fine. The reason for thin over thick is that thick allows the leather to compress (soak it so it will shrink and tighten up) as you pull the knife over it, giving you a more rounded profile edge. Thin on a board prevents the round over effect to a great extent That's what works for me. P.S. I also use an Oak board that is charged to strop on. It doesn't give at all.
  10. You are using the wrong stuff (leather) You need to use RAWHIDE. It needs to be soaked, then stretched around the horn and stitched in place then allowed to dry completely. Then after several days apply a preservative of some kind. Any book on saddle making - including YouTube - will show you how to wrap a saddle horn. From form fitting leather to the shape of the horn to stitching it up the back side. I don't think simple wrapping will do. It will never lay "flat" on the overlap. Yours - just isn't right - sorry bout that.
  11. Mr. Neats' Foot Oil will probably change the most - try it on any piece of leather and only do half of it. And that is good leather.
  12. Ask the manufacturer and attach video "gently" oil the presser foot pivots on the top (needle side) then remove the plates and do the same to the bottom mechanical linkages. You could get rubbing from the bobbin. Go to Harbor Freight and buy their stethoscope and use it. It really isolates the sound and you can zero in on it.
  13. Good to hear your on your way to recovery Good luck to you
  14. Depends on what you are doing. Just make the stool support shorter. Uses crates and pillow (put a hard top on it - even a board) to get a working height that is good for you while sitting on a stool. Then This workbench isn't for those who sit at it. For that, pick a good sitting height (above) - then raise the bench to match by putting a 4x4 (more or less) under the legs to get the height you want. When you find the best working condition, drill holes in the feet and screw them to the "risers". If you want to sit at this bench with the drawers - you have to raise the bench or lower the seat to get a good working condition. Lowering the seat only works if your top of knee to bottom of foot will actually fit under the bench drawers. If not - see above. Short of all this - I don't see any way that bench will work for you - unless you put an extension on the end opposite the vise or along the whole length opposite the drawers - and even that will have to be deep enough for your knees to go under and not hit the bench - easy to do actually. And actually your best option. Gives a wider top and still useable as a wood work bench.
  15. Just Kick and punch the bag - high and low - then make the band at least 4" wider then your "work zone". If no bag, have someone estimate your work zone with a ruler. Think about what will happen when you stitch the band to the bag. Will the band take all the abuse or will it transmit to the stitching also - won't the stitching cord have to be quite heavy (nothing wrong with that - but good) to absorb the strain abuse. I may be overthinking, but that's how I see it. Don't forget to make a reminder that on your Birthday every year you re-stuff the bag. (see above) Or every Dec and May (6 mos.)
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