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  1. Hello Wayne, Your work is wonderful and well done, you are very talented, I am also new on this forum and I love really the Birkin bag, I have made already several of this bag for friends and my wife and my daughter. So I am very happy to find another leathercrafter interested by this bag. I have bought the pattern 5 years ago at "Free leathercraft pattern" and I buy the hardware at this site but I would like to find hardware of a better quality and my question is where do you buy yours ? Here is a photo of the last Birkin bag I made for a friend, it is all hand stitched, but now I have bought a sewing machine and I will learn to make it with a machine (it is another way). I am very interested by your leather creaser, is it really cheaper than a Regad one ? Alain.
  2. Hello, I recently discovered another way for piping. Here is the link where you can see it. Alain.
  3. Hello, I make Birkin bags and I use the Rocky-Aussie method. Here is a picture I found on the net wich shows how to do that : cut an a 90° angle and ply the piping inside the bag then make the seam hand stich or machine stitch.
  4. here is a video of the splitter machine of Erick
  5. hello Jennifer, I have found a video on youtube , here is the link You can see how a professionnal splitter works. This one is in Paris France I suppose you have in the USA some machines like this. As you can see it makes a big difference with a manual splitter but the price of the machine is not the same the work result is perfect. Here is a link with a leather crafter (Erick Deneken) who can make this work for a low price, but he is, as me in France. But it may be an opportunity. contact@esprit-cuir.fr Alain. He is a very competent and kind man and surely answer to your wishes but
  6. Hello Jennifer, I have the same splitter machine and obviously met this problem. I have not a miraculous solution for you, but the best sharpenned your blade is the easier it will be. Anyway, this machine is made to split vegetable tanned leather in a smaller width than the blade is. You can try after sharpen your blade like a straight razor with japanese wet stone and strop to pull with two pairs of solid clamp one in each hand, perhaps it will works. But, you must consider that the part of leather you take with clamps is lost because the leather will be marked with them. The solution of multiple passes in a skiving machine is a possibility if you have one but the presser foot will mark the grain side of your leather. In conclusion, the best way is to find a saddler with an electric splitting machine who accept to split your leather. In France leather suppliers have this machine and accept against a little sum of money to do that for you, then you will have a very nice piece of leather in the thickness you want, perhaps is it a good way for you. Good searchand excuse my poor english, Alain.
  7. Hello Nategines, I had a Singer sewing machine 45K25 that i sold 5 years ago and I kept, I don't know why a roller foot for it. If you are interested tell me by a private email, I should be happy if it still works. Alain.
  8. Re bonjour, sur la mienne la pédale de droite qui sert à relever le pied de biche avait une liaison par une tige métallique rigide et non pas un câble. Pour ce qui est des pédales d'entraînement, je ne m'en servais pas et je préférais coudre en tournant le volant. Si vous avez besoin de pièces vous pouvez en trouver pas loin de chez vous. Par contre, n'oubliez pas de téléphoner à votre banquier avant car les prix sont top ! Alain. AARON MARTINHARNESS LTD. 4445 Posey Line, Wallenstein, Ontario Canada N0B 2S0 Order Line: 1-800-367-0639 Web Site: www.aaronmartin.com Telephone: (519) 698-2754 Toll Free Fax: 1-888-753-4525 E-mail: info@aaronmartin.com
  9. Bonjour Ysabel 68, comme je suis français et que j'ai eu cette machine qui est depuis 2 mois à Taiwan peut-être pourrais je vous renseigner. Pourriez vous m'expliquer en français votre problème ? J'ai quelques photos de mon ex machine sur mon micro, en voici une qui vous permettra peut-être de situer où est le problème. A bientôt, Alain.
  10. I have bought for 30 years a lot of buckles for harnesses on this site. If you want the best quality you can buy here with closed eyes. https://www.poursin-paris.fr/ Alain.
  11. Ok with LatigoAmigo you really have better to make a prototype and after a first piece you will see the mistakes you did. Enjoy, Alain.
  12. Hi, Here is a link where you can have a free pattern of a Jige street Clutch maybe this one make you happy ! Alain.
  13. Hello, if I can tell you my own experience, I have a singer 211G151 wich is near the 156 exept it has not a walking foot and no reverse. I have this machine for 12 years, it was a used one, but it was a good machine for that I wanted to do with. I didn't know the sevomotor when it was necessary to change the motor and I put a new clutch motor on it. It works well for me even if I regret the servomotor. I use this machine for small thicknesses and the biggest needle that I use on it is 160. The maximum thickness of leather that I sew with it is 3mm. Here is a picture of my machine, I had a roller presser foot at this time on it.
  14. Hi Danne, obviously I am whithout voice. This is an excellent work, it seems the work I've seen on the site of a young couple of saddlers, here is the address of their site http://www.sima-prague.com/en/ Enjoy and continue, Alain.
  15. Thank you Matt S, I am going to ask them. Alain.
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