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About Elsa

  • Birthday 06/29/1963

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Knappa, OR
  • Interests
    Saddlemaking/repair - Especially circa 1800s. Love to fish, tie flies, camp, beekeeping, gardening, woodworking, riding (duh) and way too many interests to list (or remember).

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    SFCC Saddle Making school '83-'84; Jesse Smith Saddle Making School 2011
  • Interested in learning about
    Antique restoration/repair, saddle/tack making, leather braiding and horse hair hitching.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. I'm sorry you're having to close up. Whoever buys your shop is getting an incredible bargain!
  2. Elsa

    Farrow Buckles

    Thanks Bruce! I got a call back from Ron's - the gentleman is out of town until the 15th. I didn't realize they had new new owners A.R. ("After Ron") :-)
  3. Elsa

    Farrow Buckles

    Does anyone know of a place that carries these? I've tried getting touch with Ron's Tools but am not getting a response. Thanks! Elsa
  4. Would he be able to make edge irons??? I MUST find one. If he could make one I could start my happy dance! :-) ~Elsa
  5. Very interested in this tree! ~Elsa - Oregon Rain Saddlery Astoria, OR
  6. I, too, am looking to buy a Joseph Dixon Edge Iron. I'm including a photo from Cary's site because the only other decent photo looked like it had been bootlegged from his site anyway, and I'd rather be honest & give him credit (plus I just love his work!) Thanks in advance! ~Elsa
  7. Thanks Zuludog. :-). I have almost all my furnishings as far as desk, chairs, workbench, cutting table, a mini fridge, teapot and other essentials. My workbench is actually made out of an old upright piano. It'll be pretty sweet when I finish it. I'm just trying to figure out what would be a good list of materials like sides of leather (saddle, tooling, chap, sheerling, etc) buckles, nails, screws, and other things to start that I may not think of while focused on tools. My shop is only 21' X 9', so I may have to commandeer another space for storage. :-)
  8. I'm getting closer to having my shop set up (actual space) and have list upon list of tools, but I can't find anything on what supplies I should have on hand. I have the opportunity to submit an application for some funding by a Veterans' group and I'd like to include a list of hardware, leather, materials & stuff in addition to tools. To start I'll be repairing and rebuilding a collection of saddles, making tack, phone cases, etc.. I figured if anyone has already made a list, it'll be someone here in Leather worker.net . :-) Thanks in advance! ~Elsa
  9. I joined the U.S. Coast Guard in 1981 and spent time in both the Reserves and (primarily) Active Duty. Retired in 2007 and received my 100% Service Connected VA Disability rating with "Concurrent Receipt" (I get my retirement and my disability). I'd be playing full time with leatherworking if life would just mellow out! Too many hobbies that eat (horses and Dairy Goats) - so working on cutting the numbers so I can spend time in my shop that is waiting to be completed. My son and I enjoy being part of our local Community Theater which is a year 'round thing as well. My goal is to have my shop set up and underway by this Fall.
  10. Outstanding!
  11. Thanks so much everyone! I haven't done much since finishing Spirit's saddle. Collecting stuff for my shop but is seems like other parts of life keep interfering with getting said shop set up. Thanks for the input Bondo Bob - The VA has already denied me Voc Rehab because I'm 100% S/C and "don't need it". I would sincerely like assistance from them to set up what they're calling my "significant hobby". I have 27 old saddles begging for rebuild and no funds on the horizon. Trying to pare down other responsibilities so I can push forward on my focus on leatherwork. Perhaps I'll contact the VVA as you suggested. I know one of the best sites for peer support for going through the nightmare of the Disability System is from HadIt.com, which is primarily Vietnam Era Vets. If I could spend several months interning under Jesse Smith I'd do it in a heartbeat. Of course, that would leave lots of time to go out and play cowgirl with Sharri too. :-) I have my GI Bill left unused, but there's not much out there for leatherwork. Jesse will always be my favorite teacher and mentor. Maybe somehow I can get the VA to help me keep my skills sharp and figure out a way to help me fund continued training with Jesse. I can dream. :-) I'd just be happy for a leg up to actually be able to get things going out of my abysmally too small "shop" (also known as the front porch - 20' X 9', but better than nothing!).
  12. Beautiful job!
  13. I'll be there Thursday through Sunday (perhaps earlier) and I'm both excited and terrified! This is my first time to any trade show and I have a really hard time in busy/crowded areas - especially if I don't know very many folks there. I'm picking up my machines from Cobra Steve (YEAH!), so I can't chicken out. I'd love to meet other Leatherworker.net folks and hope you'll forgive in advance for being a nervous, clueless spaz. ~ Elsa
  14. Elsa

    Ron's Tools?

    I know Ron "retired", but do you know anyone that may be carrying some of his tools for sale? I fell in love with them at the wrong time! His hand tools are awesome and I would love to have some, as well as his stirrup stretcher. His Farrow buckles are amazing. I'll be going to Sheridan for the big show in May and am hoping someone may have some of his stuff for sale. My budget is limited, so I was hoping to find out ahead of time. Thanks in advance for any info! Elsa
  15. Thanks dirtclod! I just got copies of the photos the VA photographer took for the entries. They look great (even with a few shadows) and I'm really excited. There are so many talented artists out there that are Vets. I am honored to be able to represent Leatherworking for my area. I would love to encourage folks to offer to volunteer to teach leatherworking classes at their local Veterans Medical Center (or through AMVETS, American Legion, VFW, Elks and so on). I'm sure there would be a great interest and am certain it would be appreciated. ~ Elsa
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