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Everything posted by Gulrok

  1. Theoretically if the leather was soft enough you MAAAAY be able to manage the seam on a post bed sewing machine... likely not though.
  2. Well you're welcome to them if you drive down to NJ.
  3. Where are you located? I have an entire storage unit in NJ filled with shoe making tools & equipment.
  4. In the interest of moving & selling this equipment due to a split with my significant other. I am reducing it to $2000.
  5. Hi folks, Pretty soon I'll be listing more business assets, but I'd like to offer for sale one of the brands I own. It is a relatively new brand, little to no marketing has been done and is becoming well known in the Fire & EMS business. The brand get a lot of attention from google as there are few competitors in this space. I'm looking to sell www.frontlineleatherco.com Now, this is only one of my brands, it is a smaller portion of my business, and the only one that my wife is in half with me. Fortunately the other brand is protected & it requires minimal tools. Anywho here is the brand. www.frontlineleatherco.com We started in Dec of 2020. In 2021 we did $5,467.45 of sales. In 2022 we did $12,181.45 of sales. The business sells 2 products, leather belts and radio straps for firefighters & EMTs. The sale would include the brand website, the dies & patterns for the radio straps + baskets, letter sets & symbols to be embossed. It would come with a how to guide to make the radio straps. I'm asking $5,000.
  6. I'm interested in solid copper roller in 1-1/2.
  7. Bert, Make a habit to charge a fee that makes sense to you separate from the laser time. For example, I usually charge $75-$150 setup fee that I amatorize over the period of 5-10 repeat small orders, or take the price off in the event of 1 or 2 big orders. But I never do a discounted setup fee, no matter how much the promise of business is. You're just asking to be disappointed.
  8. As long as you got paid I for what you agreed to I think you did just fine.
  9. Life lesson, charge an up front fee for stuff like that. As you're aware Bert, you have to do test card to get good laser settings. He sent me tiny little scrap pieces that I wasn't able to use. Never responded for months after a contract was signed and then hit me up again. Thats when I turned down the job entirely. Fortunately, as we never got to the actual testing phase for settings - I never digitized anything.
  10. "Fine Corinthian Leather" Cmon man.. get the quote right. How can you even call yourself an expert? (Sarcasm)
  11. Gotcha - it was a shop I acquired a few years ago but ended up not doing much with.
  12. https://imgur.com/gallery/3I9wr06 Here's photos of everything. Tons of equipment. There's 3 landis model k stitchers. All turn on and work. Need new cords but they worked. Lots of other equipment too. Photos in the gallery. Asking $7500. You can email me at trevor@amopelleco.com or called me (856) 394 0861. Thanks ** Located in Maple Shade, NJ 08052 at a storage facility. You'd be responsible for moving. **
  13. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/08/08/oil-companies-profits-inflation/ Rising energy costs is due to oligopolies having the control. Basically they have the entire US by their balls and you're stuck with that choice. Doesn't matter what side you're on politically - you're affected when there is no alternative to the market. With our current energy suppliers, that's it. You either buy their gas or you start walking. This is why the push away from non-renewables is sooo attractive to people. Ppeople are moving to electric for so much such as cars, heat pumps, stoves, etc . Its possible and much easier to begin producing electric (solar farms, wind, etc) as a smaller company rather than compete with the large ones for non-renewables.
  14. No experience, but I can imagine the smell. ( I do primarily laser cut work at the moment ). 150 w laser here.
  15. I'm not a vegetarian or vegan but man it has been more and more tempting as meat prices rise. We hardly eat beef or pork anymore. Pretty much chicken and veggies only.
  16. Don I have called you a few times and left a few voicemails. I have also given you my number.
  17. Hey - I didn't drop off the grid. I just didn't have notifications on for this post. Thank you!
  18. Haha no issues with unionizing. I'm assuming if my employees think they need to unionize that I'm doing something wrong and need to fix some of the things we're doing. If they choose to unionize then we've done well. ( I'm pro union having been in one myself. We'll see if we ever come to that bridge. ) -- That's a solid idea. I'll discuss that with the girl and get back. Maybe keeping it under Amopelle is not a bad idea. You're right.. the logo is nice and does work already.
  19. My guess is that I'm overcomplicating things. The ULS with the needle and awl or leather should be just fine.
  20. I can definitely take the hole out. Also could change to a needle/awl combo.
  21. Been looking into more easy logos. Thoughts?
  22. So before the pandemic started we had a brand called "Amopelle Co" - its since been redone to "Amopelle Leather Co". In the middle of the pandemic we started our first responder brand doing equipment for them (including local contracts for repairs, union specific items, etc). Well, as the pandemic progressed our first responder brand (both me and the wife work in Fire/EMS field) took off and exceeded Amopelle. It does about 4-5x the work every month that Amopelle does. So here are aesthetics from the two brands we have. Amopelle doesn't do nearly as much work as Frontline does. I really like the aspects of the logo from Amopelle though. (I like both). I think that I could reach out to the designer and as for a similar style to be done for union leather supply. ( The second row left column is the logo Amopelle uses ).
  23. So at this point - I'm working on the website and trying to get it ready / modular enough to accept new products. Things I've done so far 1) I have a tool maker making me custom tools. 2) I have one vendor for hand sewing threads. 3) Website is coming along. -- Things I have to continue 1) I want more thread vendors and options. 2) I'm in contact with tanneries w/o contracts/agreements yet. 3) I'm finishing branding - the artist we're working with is driving me a little bit crazy right now. I'm not super happy with the logo. I'm attaching the logo - thoughts? EDIT: So the brand name is Union Leather Supply.
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