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    Photography, leather crafts

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    Camera bags, straps
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  1. Great bag! Love the tiger! Go 竹武合!!!
  2. Awesome! Thanks all!
  3. Thanks! I think I found it: Littleton Cavalry Buckle: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Brass-Littleton-Cavalry-Belt-Buckle-Leather-Craft-Strap-Bag-Clasp-Buckle/164310522750?var=463922623718&hash=item2641ab9b7e:g:iVEAAOSwUhdfH~NM
  4. Hi all, I am trying to find this buckle, but have no idea what it is called. Any help would be appreciated!
  5. 很有意思!Awesome! If I had space, I'd get an antique leather sewing machine.
  6. Thanks. but strangely, when I go into my list of attachments, there is no 'tick' box for any of them. The list loads without any option for selecting and/or deleting files whatsoever.
  7. ” You have used all of the attachment space you are allowed per post. Manage Attachments to free up space That is what I see when i try to attach the image. However, when I go into My Attachments, I see a list of my images, but no option to remove/clear any. Any help appreciated here!
  8. About $35 + shipping. I still have most of it left after I made the knife. You can see the prices/sizes here: https://www.alphaknifesupply.com/shop/1084-carbon-steel My apologies, I don't know why the pic is not displaying...
  9. Not a leather piece per se... but still, leather-related Lately, in addition to leather work, I've been interested in metal - knife making and such. I have been wanting to buy myself a good round head knife, but was put off by prices - they go for anything from $40-$100. So, I decided to take a stab at it myself. Designed a template in Photoshop, ordered 1084 knife metal, and voila! I was rather proud of my first attempt. Still, I can do better next time. This was a learning experience.
  10. Thanks! Yes, the belt loop goes all the way down, so that the bottom rivet is holding 3 layers together. There's a second rivet on the inside, closer to the top edge, holding the inside of the loop and the back of the sheath together.
  11. Yep, there's a welt in there. Without it it would be a much faster job, but it makes for a much more reliable (and safer) hold. Unfortunately, I am yet to find a convenient and quick way of reliably punching through 3 layers of leather and being able to remove the chisel with ease.
  12. Thanks all! Yes, I like the way it came out too I am not sure what the weight is, I never weighed it. Obviously, when full of equipment, it is a hefty thing. Empty - not too bad for me. Mileage may vary. I use it on my photo drives, so I rarely have to carry it around, it is mostly in the car, packed full of photo equipment. Here's the link to the pattern, if anyone's tempted: https://www.etsy.com/listing/676778881/bag-pattern-pdf-download-leather-diy?ref=shop_home_active_22&pro=1
  13. Pretty happy with this one... Followed Tony's pattern religiously and came up with this. A lot of punching and stitching, but the results do not disappoint!
  14. A friend of mine made a hunting knife, but had no sheath for it. So I decided to try my hand, killing two birds with one stone - make a sheath for a friend and learn in the process. Since he had already used this knife on a deer hunt, I put a deer stamp along with his initials on it. I was pretty pleased with myself, considering this was a first. Youtube rules!
  15. Great-looking bag! I like the design and the distressed surface feel. Well done!
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