In the olden days of the U.S. Coast Guard and Navy - before political correctness took over - when an enlisted person was promoted to the rank of Chief Petty Officer (E-7 paygrade), they had the option to be initiated into the Chief Petty Officers association. Once they said, "I'm going to be initiated." they were issued a charge book - in my case it was a green record book - that I would have to take around and present to anyone who was a chief petty officer or above who would then fill the pages with any type of "well wishes" and insults they would like. During the initiation, the Judge would use the charge book as reason to punish the new chief by making him do silly stuff. It should be noted, other than getting you possibly drunk, they would not do anything to physically harm you. In today's military, they give you a charge book, fill it was niceties and well wishes - and nothing not politically correct - and have a formal dining-in for new Chiefs.