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Everything posted by Chux

  1. I made a few appointment books for a new tattoo studio( full disclosure, two of the three co-owners are my daughters) made tattoo machines that slip on the pencils, just because that was the "vision" I had in my head when I thought of it. I'm not a huge fan of doing multiples, simply because I feel lucky if I can get one thing to look good, let alone more than one to be identical. New shop will of course have new keys so made each of them a keychain as well. To be honest the whole thing made me think about lazer engraving. I kind of don't feel like it's "cheating" anymore just a different tool. If it ever comes down to being able to get one, I might just remake them so that I feel that they are good and not just good enough. Thanks for looking
  2. I'm a little lost with these disks, tbh, I honestly thought it was the rings (like the ones you see on the inside of a day planner) that were showing. Kinda of curious how that all comes into play and works. Sorry if this is a dumber question than I already think it is
  3. Chux

    Checker-chess board

    Thank you. I drew out the grid pattern on the plywood, and started laying out the pattern. Yep, each square is a separate piece. I left room for the boarder but instead of trimming at the end of the board I "attempted" to wrap it around the side to the bottom to cover the ugly wood edge. I say attempted because it was all done freehand and the corners aren't exactly even and perfect so it still looks a little wonky.
  4. Chux

    My shootout wallet

    Pretty much, lol, but it will probably just end up sitting on a shelf or something
  5. Chux

    My shootout wallet

    Thanks. Nope, lol, just finished it this morning
  6. Chux

    My shootout wallet

    Thank you. Simplejack1985 originally posted about it, read his post, it would make more sense then I could. Thanks again Thank you
  7. I found out about this from the post here and decided to take a shot at it. Tooling is one of my many not great at aspects, obviously, lol. Overall I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Wallets are not something I tend to make a whole lot of, because I don't like how they come out, so why would anyone else? ( just the way my mind works) BUT that being said I'm never going to get better at making them if I don't make them. Anyway it's too late to get it entered and tbh I don't know if I'd have the fortitude to enter it even if I had the chance??
  8. Chux

    Checker-chess board

    Thanks. Idk how well I'll do but I'm gonna try!
  9. I've been wanting to make a chess board for quite awhile, and its nowhere near perfect, but the next one will be better. I found a crappy piece of plywood laying around in the basement and started with that. Should have actually sanded it but I didn't. I didn't think it would be as bumpy as it is since I thought the leather would level it out. Nope. My squares didn't come out as "square" as they should have but it's for me and I can live with it as is. Had to do some trimming after the squares were laid and well now everything isn't square. Anyway just wanted to share, thanks for looking
  10. Chux

    Monarch hair clip

    Thank you. She doesn't like it lol, but I'm holding her tight!
  11. Chux

    Monarch hair clip

    Thank you! Having her asking me if she was going to die is the worst thing I've ever been through!! I hope nobody else ever has to go through that Thank you again Thank you sir! I did attempt to add some "body" to the body in the next couple that I'm working on. Damn it's tough being a rock lol
  12. Chux

    Monarch hair clip

    Thank you. She is, but unfortunately the other person is not, had to go to a celebration of life and boy oh boy did I find emotions I didn't know I had!
  13. Chux

    Monarch hair clip

    Thank you. That's what I keep telling myself
  14. I finished up this prototype yesterday, and have been back and forth on whether it was worth posting or not. Honestly...I need a boost mentally. I'm not the kind of person who puts every thought in my head out there for the world. Long story short I almost lost my daughter two weeks ago and am still numb/processing things. That being said, please go easy on the critiquing but be honest. Ok I'll stop babbling now, thanks for looking.
  15. Chux

    Flashlight holster

    Glad I could help! Make sure to post a picture, I'd love to see what you come up with
  16. Chux

    Flashlight holster

    I stole a clip off another flashlight, I have a few, lol, and that broke in rather short order. It kept the light IN my pocket until it snapped but didn't help with wearing a hole in my pocket so it evolved into the holster
  17. Chux

    Flashlight holster

    I couldn't even tell you WHERE it is on my phone, lol. There's probably a TON of things my phone could/can do that I'm not even aware of. I never said I was good at technology lol
  18. Chux

    Flashlight holster

    It can be a real pain in the @$$ lol
  19. Chux

    Flashlight holster

    I kinda wish I had thought about it BEFORE I ventilated my backside lol
  20. Ok, I'm that "weird" guy. I carry a flashlight, oooohhhh!! That being said, I was just slipping it into my back pocket and that was that. Two problems with that idea... 1) I have no butt, and sometimes it was pretty uncomfortable and 2) it ended up wearing out the material and ate a hole in said back pocket, and would manage to start trying to escape, so I decided to make a way to carry it a tad more securely. This is what I ended up with. Pretty basic and not too fancy. Is it pretty? Nope. Is it perfect? Again, nope. But it's working for me. Wet molded over the barrel, and added some shock cord just to keep it from falling out, as I'm sure its going to loosen up a bit over time. Again nothing special but thought I'd share incase anyone was looking for a solution or a simple idea. Thanks for looking!
  21. Sorry for the late reply, life gets in the way sometimes. I used Fiebings light tan leather dye, followed with their pro resist and then used their vintage gel in medium brown. I'll admit I didn't allow as much drying time in between as you described. Nor did I use the neatsfoot oil, I'm going to have to pick some up the next time I'm out. Thank you for answering! That's one of the things I love about being here, everyone is so willing to share their knowledge!!
  22. Ok, I'll bite...what movie?? Do you get to keep the stamps too??I'm looking forward to see it finished
  23. Phenomenal work!! My question is... How do you do your dye jobs? I tried doing a design where I wanted the main focus to stay a natural color and have the background darker, so the main part "popped" like the pouch you show in 9. I dyed the background, applied resist, and then the antique gel and BAM!!! The parts that I left undyed, well it got dyed... So if you could help with how you did it, I would be greatly appreciative
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