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Everything posted by Chux

  1. Thanks, it means a lot to get a compliment here!! I thought having a contrast thread would be better, but I can try and match them or at least not go opposite. I feel I should have some made before I tried selling them but end up arguing with myself over making stuff and NOT being able to sell it. Lol
  2. Been back and forth on whether I should post these or not and finally decided to throw my hat into the ring as it were. My "prototype" is obviously the natural leather just to get an idea of what I was doing. The black one is veg-tan as well with an overlay of some type of leather that I bought precut for some checkbook covers. Unfortunately I don't think anyone even uses checkbooks anymore so I've been playing around with finding other uses for it. Let me know what you guys think. Should a make more, or just put them up on my prototype shelf?? Thanks!
  3. I'm guessing you have one of those fancy laser thingys, huh?
  4. Thank you everyone!! I'm still waiting to hear back from her. If I end up making her one I'll be sure to post a pic in the showoff thread. You guys are beyond helpful!
  5. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but I was contacted online and asked about making a holster for the above mentioned gun. I'm assuming that the laser is mounted on the handgrip (awaiting confirmation of that) and isn't mounted under the barrel. IF that is in fact the case, would I be able to use a regular S&W .38 bodyguard blue gun, or do I NEED one with a c/t??? Personally I'd rather work with the actual gun, but, not that I can blame anyone, alot of people won't just say here's my gun. Sorry again if this isn't the right place to ask, and thanks for any help!!
  6. Thanks, I've got some old 60's electric cooktop that cycles on and off as you're cooking so I shouldn't have a problem
  7. Finally got around to making some of these today, have to say they aren't fancy or pretty but should do the job. I've seen lots of covers for the front handle, but I've only seen silicone sleeves for the smaller back handle. My OCD would not tolerate leather on one and silicone on the other so... Here's what I ended up with the back one needs to be reworked to look better but since it's mine, I won't be too picky about it.
  8. I'm not gonna lie...I'm confused,lol, but I'm looking forward to see where you're going with this
  9. Chux

    Just a keychain

    I can relate to spilling the dye, lmao!! I used to have one work table that I did everything at... USED TO. I've since gotten smart and set up a dying station AWAY from everything else.
  10. You and me both, lol, I posted my "soft case" didn't seem to do so well... Made a laminated "hard case" came out much better but didn't want to hijack this thread and doing *another* separate post made me feel like I was being a little too desperate lol
  11. Thanks! I just googled "sewing machine accessories" and then went to images to see if I could find a picture with one.
  12. In the video posted, when they sewed the seams there is a "guide" that they are pressing against. What's that called?? I tried Google but I can't seem to find it, could that possibly be a custom made piece and thats why?? Stupid question I'm sure but having something like that might make it possible for me to use the machine I bought but cant for the life of me get a straight stitch. God knows it cost me a months rent and I really would like to be able to use the damn thing...
  13. All good lol I was thinking of, Tecumseh, from Cheers
  14. I have no clue what you mean...never watched that, but thanks
  15. Here is my attempt at a cigar case, threw in a zippo case as well. Not too bad for my first go at it, I guess. And one thing I did learn, don't buy cigars from that damned wooden Indian, lol!
  16. Chux

    Valet trays

    Congrats on the invite!! They look great!
  17. Well....damn. idk, why but I always assumed that they were made half at a time, front side, back side then stitched together. I should probably do some "actual research" instead of trying to figure stuff out on my own. Exotic leather isn't something I've had experience with, but that being said I think I'll be attempting to make one of these with plain ol' vegtan... Thanks for taking the time to answer my question!!
  18. I've been wanting to make some of these myself, so in the event that I wanted to..umm...steal your idea, how do you go about making one? I know cigars are sized by the "ring" but that's about it. Did you wet form it? Are there cigar forms for making cases, or should I not ask??
  19. Lmao!! The getting isn't the "problem" it's the affording that's the issue, but thanks for the laugh
  20. I agree!! (My wife doesn't)
  21. The fact that I don't have a revolver
  22. Thank you. This was my first but look forward to being able to make more.
  23. Thank you. I've been wanting to do one for a long time and finally just said screw it and made it to hang on my wall lol
  24. Thank you. A lot more than I care to count!
  25. Thanks! 100 % hand stitched and my hands are still cramping lol
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