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Everything posted by Klara

  1. Generally I need to make at least two to get an item I am satisfied with: One to learn on, the next one where I do what I've learned. But that may be only because I am bad at following instructions. Therefore, if I wanted to make a saddle for my future riding horse, I'd start making a first saddle now, without any expectation that I would be able to sell it. And then when my horse has a somewhat final shape, I'd make his final saddle. Btw, neither of my horses has ever had a bespoke saddle. I simply tried them before purchase, like my shoes...
  2. The leatherwork is impeccable, I am very impressed. The only thing I am not sure of is the strap, both in colour and material. But I can't think of anything I'd prefer, either...
  3. Decent Smartphones also allow to decrease the size of a picture... Your picture looks like the female part of a riveted snap to me. Do you want to repair this leather piece (what is it?), or make another one just like it?
  4. Ikea (and probably others) sell little boxes you can put a number of magazines in vertically (sorry, it won't let me find them on the international site): https://www.ikea.com/fr/fr/p/haestviskare-range-revues-motif-chene-50576014/ That's how I kept my horse magazines (on book shelves), until I realised that I hadn't looked at a single one in years. Then most of them went into recycling. Which is why I recommend to create a database of the contents if you want to keep paper copies without scanning them, or anything else you can think of to make content easier to find.
  5. Thank you! I might refer to that when I make my next straps
  6. As a general rule, pillow cases should be a bit smaller than the pillow that goes inside for the pillow to be nice and plump. In other words, if the "filling" (I suppose you are using a commercial pillow from Ikea or elsewhere) is 16 x 16 inches, then you can make the outside 16 x 16 as well. Easy peasy... You don't need a pattern, a "normal" pillow consists of two squares sewn together on three sides with a zipper on the fourth. Or am I completely misunderstanding what you are trying to make?
  7. That's pretty much what I think... I don't know because by the time I throw them away I have forgotten when I bought them. I think the shortest a pair recently lasted was 2 years, and that was fabric and plastic running shoes - not good quality leather. No, because I'm not selling you anything. That's the thing. The used watches that sell for more than current purchase price are those that everybody wants and can't get. Rolex first and foremost... I prefer to have a variety of nice but cheap mechanical and solar quartz watches which I wear according to mood and circumstances and don't need to worry about. But then, as a woman I can wear jewellery that's actually seen
  8. You still haven't said WHY. Good quality leather lasts a very long time. (And, IMHO, if you are buying a watch as an investment, you shouldn't wear it at all, definitely not 24/7, because it will get swirls or even scratches, which knock quite a lot off the future price. Even if the watch boom should hold, unlike stamp collecting or model trains...) @dirk87 Sorry for highjacking your thread! Your watch straps are beautiful!
  9. https://www.amazon.com/Powertex-Bister-Brown-Powder-24-75/dp/B014R862GQ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=JDPJXPEKOO8C&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.oOgNRHeD2jGrHbLWLEu7GrZrLvbYJB87kLHrnovL2elQFmXu5q6JHaUYGod3fUJ9oj90zujaxlZbLb3YnSm6OhqREi2pz83Zwf6VfpTBF6xnvGwzLuTN7jXdYIFTeEXKoTwz8MSIf5pkpNuXSPppO1aSTyhezocYvIoRy8jVAKy6Vmsko2kk5-X-VY9J4qzoSb3WSkwZLAcBuvieGIAQCqRCUNX2YOQEiQK0UdyA8zk.oFd22DZT0dKHiNikfF82PoU_MmfllI7e7ihg_47IIK0&dib_tag=se&keywords=Bister&qid=1739300289&sprefix=bitter%2Cspecialty-aps%2C656&sr=8-1 This was my idea (I think. As I got some from my friend, I don't know the brand). No VOCs...
  10. Do you mind explaining that? The leather watch strap I am wearing right now is only from this summer, and I don't sleep wearing my watch, so it should be good for 2 years. But still... Other leather items I have owned have lasted for years and decades, and when something wore out, it was hardly ever (never, maybe?) the leather, but stitching, hardware, plastic parts...
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