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    Cashion, OK, USA
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    Leatherwork, welding, anything mechanical, livestock

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    Dabbling. Is that a word?
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  1. I have used W & C as well as HO. There are differences but they are both quality veg tan leather. Since you are in Oklahoma too, I would recommend Panhandle Leather, Maker's Leather or Springfield Leather. Each have their benefits and drawbacks. JM2C, Jim
  2. Sorry, I intended to include a link to the tailor's chalk. https://www.amazon.com/Otylzto-Professional-Tailors-Fabric-Triangle/dp/B08KH2THT5/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=2E4VEFCVFC2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CJ5a_Omor8VkgcSfrogo42npqhhhFQvOUyWYEcCFVXkfCgs3FLCDfqRBZjxjDRKJcAtfo8tcdTtEHesPFXIBDSrCkAiwEc9kH7ABfWYxGDHWgAAZzJCc7pvBEsN_jBu8s1cPhb5_0__e0hximA6_WYf-dCqOyS3WuA8pnFPbJf0_paNVf9NqPmtXCF0GPKDo8bFUChDIqQRilR8Zc1vaikMCEIUNfhkzjtG9iNt4Iv4.QqkIh3Rpu-xLxYR0odeDkiTm-txRvLnhKwrzxQGBA6I&dib_tag=se&keywords=tailors+chalk&qid=1739496629&sprefix=tailor%2Caps%2C230&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  3. Yeah, I had a similar experience with Tandy's white markers. My problem with "regular" ink pens is that if they are exposed to alcohol, the ink will run. I have heard about people using tailor's chalk. I haven't tried it. Instead I usually use a soft lead artist's pencil or an awl to mark leather. JM2C, Jim
  4. Randy, Did it possibly get wet? Maybe sweat or some other liquid? Even some commercially finished leathers will "rub off" when wet. Just a thought. I usually don't dye my belt linings either. Of course I'm not a professional, but I like the look of undyed veg tan for linings. JM2C. Jim
  5. Maybe it's in @fredk's front garden. Just kidding. I wanted to thank all the contributors to this endeavor. It's very interesting. Frankly, I don't have the attention span for this kind of research. JM2C, Jim
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