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    Cashion, OK, USA
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    Leatherwork, welding, anything mechanical, livestock

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  1. @Brokenolmarine , I'm not sure but I think that Texas Oak may be the same double shoulders that Traditions Leather in Oklahoma City carries. The owner told me that it is US hides, tanned in Mexico. He seemed to really like the stuff and had some of it that Jim Linnell carved when he taught a class there. It looked very good but I think maybe Jim could make chalk on a sidewalk look good. I'm glad that Maker's could help you out. JM2C, Jim Dunn
  2. @rktaylor Randy, Thank you! Jim
  3. When I first saw it, I thought "emasculator" but seeing the jaws together made me doubt that. There have been many versions of that tool through the years.
  4. @rktaylor Randy, I know this is an old thread but I have a few questions. I've noticed that some makers will cover the "rump strap" with a softer chap leather. Since yours should have some use on it, do you think this is necessary, useful? How is the best way to determine the length of the rump strap? I've seem some that come around to the center of the hip while others come to center of the flank swirl. These are probably dumb questions. I'm not a muleskinner but it seems like my granddaughter is now. Thanks, Jim
  5. @Brokenolmarine, one of the differences I have noticed about W & C and HO is that it is easier to case. You can still case Tandy leathers, it's just harder to do. It is harder to achieve the appearance I want. JM2C, Jim
  6. I have used W & C as well as HO. There are differences but they are both quality veg tan leather. Since you are in Oklahoma too, I would recommend Panhandle Leather, Maker's Leather or Springfield Leather. Each have their benefits and drawbacks. JM2C, Jim
  7. Sorry, I intended to include a link to the tailor's chalk. https://www.amazon.com/Otylzto-Professional-Tailors-Fabric-Triangle/dp/B08KH2THT5/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=2E4VEFCVFC2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CJ5a_Omor8VkgcSfrogo42npqhhhFQvOUyWYEcCFVXkfCgs3FLCDfqRBZjxjDRKJcAtfo8tcdTtEHesPFXIBDSrCkAiwEc9kH7ABfWYxGDHWgAAZzJCc7pvBEsN_jBu8s1cPhb5_0__e0hximA6_WYf-dCqOyS3WuA8pnFPbJf0_paNVf9NqPmtXCF0GPKDo8bFUChDIqQRilR8Zc1vaikMCEIUNfhkzjtG9iNt4Iv4.QqkIh3Rpu-xLxYR0odeDkiTm-txRvLnhKwrzxQGBA6I&dib_tag=se&keywords=tailors+chalk&qid=1739496629&sprefix=tailor%2Caps%2C230&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  8. Yeah, I had a similar experience with Tandy's white markers. My problem with "regular" ink pens is that if they are exposed to alcohol, the ink will run. I have heard about people using tailor's chalk. I haven't tried it. Instead I usually use a soft lead artist's pencil or an awl to mark leather. JM2C, Jim
  9. Randy, Did it possibly get wet? Maybe sweat or some other liquid? Even some commercially finished leathers will "rub off" when wet. Just a thought. I usually don't dye my belt linings either. Of course I'm not a professional, but I like the look of undyed veg tan for linings. JM2C. Jim
  10. Maybe it's in @fredk's front garden. Just kidding. I wanted to thank all the contributors to this endeavor. It's very interesting. Frankly, I don't have the attention span for this kind of research. JM2C, Jim
  11. Not me. I love them! We have several around here and I especially like their twilight/night calls. Roadrunners, I mean. JM2C
  12. Thanks @fredk. Anytime I heard them mentioned, it seemed more like the club application. I guess I've been raised a little further out of the ooze of ignorance. Jim
  13. I'm just an Okie so please bear with me. Isn't a shallalegh supposed to be for "whacking" things, critters and folks? If you cover the "knobbish handle" wouldn't that yield some unwanted padding on the knob? Reduce the "whacking coefficient", if you will. To be fair though, I didn't know how to spell shallalegh until I saw this thread. JM2C, Jim
  14. Some do, some don't. Mine don't. I don't really miss it. JM2C
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