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Everything posted by BroodyLeathercraft

  1. Really like that design. Very sharp!
  2. Thank you all for the compliments. First time ever doing an inlay on anything and I’m really happy with how this turned out. Might have to find other projects I can do this on ha!
  3. My wife got me an old timer folding knife and I finally got around to making a sheath for it. Wanted to do something a bit different (well different for me) with it so I decided to attempt an inlay using some python print I had. Really really happy with the way it came out.
  4. Here is a third one I made for myself. Forgot to take photos of the second but it turned out much better than the first. The first is now in an ever growing pile of “what not to do”. Beveled and slicked the thumb hole which made it look much better imo. The two pockets are 3oz veg-tan and the middle piece is a 6oz pre-dyed veg-tan. Used Fiebings pro dye for the pockets and tan kote on both sides of every piece and edge kote. Keeping the chisel vertical definitely made it easier to line things up for me. Thanks again for the comments and suggestions! If you all have anymore please let me know.
  5. Thank you all for the comments! Working on a second one now with your suggestions. Thanks again!
  6. Small wallet I made for my sister-in-law to keep her ID badge and a couple of bucks in for the vending machine while she’s at work. The pattern I used came from weavers website. Any comments and tips/suggestions to improve the next one are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  7. You need to put a resist over the color dye. Something like eco-flo super shene or fiebings pro resist. The antique will still darken the color some but nothing like it does if you don’t put some sort of protective coat on. Video below gives a good demonstration on resisting.
  8. Made the belts and holster for my in-laws last Christmas. Made the stock cuff for my dad for Father’s Day.
  9. First time making a horse bridle.
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