I asked Miss Tina to picked up a new Razor (Utility) Knife for me when she was at the Home Depot, and she came home with a nice high quality metal one. No plastic garbage for the boss. My old one was probably in the coop, her barn, the tractor shed, or her sewing/crochet/quilting shop.... I took it out of the package and noticed that it was a fixed blade model. I could already feel my fingers getting cut. I told her NOT to worry, I'd just make a case for it. NOT a sheath, no belt loops, just a protective case to keep the blade sharp and fingers protected. I didn't want this ending up riding around the farm on boot cut jeans.
I dug a scrap of leather out of the bin, and knocked out the design in a couple hours. Tooling? Yup, I need the practice so I tool scraps laying on the bench from other projects. (Yup) What I really need to do is start practicing floral carving. I suck at it.
Got it knocked out, the edges burnished and the holes knocked out, and then sewed it by hand. I was happy.