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Posts posted by Gezzer

  1. 5 hours ago, PastorBob said:

    I am sure he will appreciate it.  My dad is a retired old country doc and received many things from his patients over the years.  He relishes these items, both large and small.  Well done.

    Thank you and give my respects to your Dad , doctors and nurses are special people for sure !

    5 hours ago, TomE said:

    Looks great.  Hope the hip is doing well.

    Thank you ! The hip is a blessing and one of the better decisions that I have made in life !!!!!!!!!

  2. First let's be clear .... I am awful with photos and even worse at explaining anything . With that said here goes .

    lay out pattern , punch stitching holes , tool and dye , because I have not been happy with my attempts at the box stitch ..... I cheat:P!!  I use a ledger ( what I call it ) strip and it allows a simple saddle stitch and stitch it inside the wall of the box while it is flat . Pull ends together and do a crossover stitch from top to bottom ,makes basic box walls , cut bottom piece and push inside  to rest on ledger strip . I make it a tight fit and you would have to try to push it past the ledger so I don't worry that it will ever push past the ledger ( if you were worried you could glue it in ). Cut top 1 inch larger than top of box , tool, dye and wet form on a piece of 4 " PVC pipe . Notice the large zip tie is backwards to prevent leaving teeth marks on the leather , let dry , slick edges and call it good .  


    I bet that is CLEAR AS MUD:lol:




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