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Everything posted by Aulus

  1. Here is a basket weave stamped belt purse I´ve done this days. Made of 7-8 oz. leather lined with 2-4 oz. shoulder.
  2. Is there a difference when using baking soda to neutralize acid from vingaroon if the leather ist whet or dry? I ever used it immediately after the blackening process when the leather is always wet from the Vingaoon. But can I do the neutralizing later, with a drying period between?
  3. That´s right! Anyone should do this!
  4. Oh, this (my) answer comes a little late... . Ok, I have my Boss since End of May 2012. And I´m just in the learning courve. I´m sewing not too thick leathers, most 4 - 8 oz. After adjusting the bobbin tension and the top tensions it worket very well until jet. At the moment I´m taking the thread that was delivered with the Boss. And I´m looking for a Dealer here in Germany to by my threads. So well, for the beginning an the end of the stich line i use two methods, once is to leave enough thread to stich back by hand or the second method is to do it like in the Tippmann Video. greets
  5. It has a learning curve! I´m in this curve! But I like these machine. This hand operatet iron monster is exatly what I wantet!
  6. The colour ist Fiebing´s med. brown.
  7. ya, this is the Problem with this threat, the Headline is historical reenactment. In fact it is for reenactment and fantasy items. That´s not really a good thing (Johanna? Divide it?)
  8. This is a 19th century hunting bag. Bags like this one were worn by hunters for carrying ammo or a lunch. This one is for an natural scientist who observes ants...
  9. Here´s a little purse I´ve made. There are two solid brass rings sewn on the back to attach a shoulder strap or anything to carry the pouch.
  10. Here´s a archer´s arm guard I´ve done a time ago. Lucky that this was not for a customer, I´ve made a little mistake...
  11. Here´s another Sax Sheat from early medieval age (600 p.C.). It´s for a frankish soldier but could also worn by alamanni, bajuvarians or langobards
  12. No Problem! I´ve doing early medieval Reenactment since 15 years. If you have any questions, just ask me. Greets
  13. Today my new center presser foot arrived. And, what should I say, thank you for the Tip, this is just what I wanted! Thank´s!
  14. Hi, the Sutton Hoo Purse, very well known. BUT this must not be Tiw, it also can be Daniel in the Lion´s Pit. Archeologists are not shure what this Picture does mean. Here in Germany it is also a well known motive, so on Purses, Belt buckles and Coins. The Sutton Hoo burial was a King´s grave in the time of synkretism, so old norse and christianity are often both in this context. The Leatherwork you´ve done is great! I like it!
  15. You sew it wet? And no glueing? And..you´re using a "Boss" or I´m wrong?
  16. Wet forming :brainbleach: of course! Thank you! It´s just too late in the night here in Germany... I should go to bed...
  17. I´m about reading how to sew around (tight) corners when the gusset is not a latigo, corme tanned, oil tanned or else. I´ve like to use veg tanned, no to thin leather. But this will not bend enough. Would you like to share your tips if you do such kind of gussets?
  18. Reading about sewing around thigter corners. lokking for information about the gussets

  19. Here are two molded cases for gardening tools that I´ve made for a customer. The knife sheath ist made for a special knive for trimming apple trees. It has a clip on the back for easy fitting on a belt or so. The molded holster ist for a folding saw and a gardening sheerers. It has four slots to keep it high on the belt.
  20. Here´s a Belt I´ve made for a friend. It´s a modern Belt and carved with Jellinge-Style pattern. It´s about Viking era.
  21. Thinking about making Saddle Bags

  22. Nice, but not medieval. The Buckle is not medieval and medieval belts did not have keepers! Really, a nice belt, but not medieval.
  23. Thank´s a lot! Now I know what is next to get.
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