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Everything posted by Aulus

  1. Nice Idea! You should work on your beveling. Try to use a checked Beveler for less marks.
  2. Aha, okay...I´m going to try this. Thank´s for posting. Does anyone of the german Users know what this "illustration board" is in german? Or were I can get it?
  3. Doch, schickes Teil, wirklich. Ich persönlich hätte bei den Taschendeckeln mehr auf die Rundung geachtet. Mit einer Lederraspel oder notfalls dem Drehmel lässt sich sowas schön nacharbeiten wenns mal hakt.
  4. Hahaaa...the 70´s are back! And with this lace around you´re "great uncle", how do you want to wear socks? Muhahahaaa! Now, fun besides, it´s a really nice Work!
  5. Yes, I checked it out a long time ago. I´ts really good, sice then every time when I stamp leaves I think about how I will do the Background. p.S. the whole thing on the picture lays on an piece of oakwood (only the background for the picture). So the Borders of the Leather are the Borders of the whole Key holder. Sorry, I have no picture from the side.
  6. Wow! This are very fine Tools! Wow!
  7. What about Fiebings Acrylic Resolene? I find it makes fine finish and the leather will be waterproof for a long time. In Reenactment we use Fish Oil to waterproof leather. It works very good, but it´s a little smelly
  8. Here I did a gift for a friend of mine. Tooled on 4,5mm veg Tan leather, glued on Pine-Wood. Coloured with Eco-Flo Saddle Tan Higlighter and then Antique Finish. At least Acrylic resolene.
  9. I´ve got it! Thankt to all!
  10. Ray, I´m a Moderator in a german Living-History-Forum since 2003 and I´m doing Living History since 1997. I really know what you are talking about. These "Police"-Guys nobody needs. But if we all not going to do our best in authenticy, we won´t have a really good scene we will have another phantasy scene... It´s always a dance on the edge of the blade. But, in this Forum we should diskuss about Leatherwork, not the old "A"-Story.
  11. Authentic Police...I like it! How, when not authentic, will you work in Reenactment / Living History? History is a fact! All the other "Games" are fantasy, don´t get me wrong I´ve got nothing aganist fantasy. No, I like it really. But it is another Hobby. About the Sheat: It looks very native, but why not. The blade of the Sax is nice too, but the Handle is not mine.
  12. Nice Work! Nice Dog! Thank´s for reminding me that my dog needs a new collar..
  13. I dont think that this way to fasten the Buckle was wide spread. But with this Buckle it was the only way. A Note to the Knots: First I layed a heart, you can very often find hearts on bavarian things from ancient time to today. And then a Four-Pass-Knot, the same thing like the hearts.
  14. Hm, there is only a cutting pattern. The design (stamping, stitching) was directely done on the Leather. The customer gave me a self-drawed picture with the measurements and stamping / stitching what he wants, also for the sheath. I think he will be very happy if he will not see directly copys. If you want the cutting pattern you can have it, no problem. I only have to scan it, you only have to do your own desingns PM me for that.
  15. GREEN and Blue are the Swedish colours? Not really, or I´m wrong? hihihi
  16. Here´s one of my latest projects, a Belt for a Bajuvarii Warrior about the year 500 p.C.. It´s made of veg-tanned leather with a silver-inlayed Buckle on the Belt. Stitching is natural colored wool.
  17. Servus, ich mache mittlerweile seltenst was fürs Hobby. Zu Viele wollen alles selber machen und erst recht kein Geld ausgeben. Wie das dann aussieht... Der Pebbler ist natürlich nicht "A" genausowenig wie alle 3-D-Punzierungen. Aber da ich mittlerweile Lederhandwerk als Nebenberuf betreibe habe ich genug Zeit und Möglichkeiten mich auszutoben
  18. Ja, da werde ich die Bear Gallery mal anrufen. Stimmt eigentlich. Danke. Ich habe ein ähnliches Tool wie das welches Du gepostet hast. Aber Pebble gefällt mir halt so gut.
  19. Eine Frage an die deutschen bzw. deutschsprachigen User: Wisst ihr wo ich (in Deutschland?) ein Pebble-Tool herbekomme?
  20. Thank´s a lot for the answers. I think I will buy a Sprayer and make it thinner (with alcohol). I do not use Daubers, I don´t like them. I use a strip of filth holdet with a clamp. This works great on the edges and with dark colours.
  21. I think that the High-Liter from Eco-Flo makes a nice "light" saddle Tan, and I like it very much. If I want the cuts darker I apply a little of antique. And I think antique does not work so fast, I have to leave it a longer time on the Leather to get the right colour. my 2ct
  22. Hello, can you tell me what I´m doing wrong? Even when I use Fiebings medium brown it won´t be medium brown. It is always a dark red with even darker "marks" where the pencil-strokes overlap. Here I post you a picture, I hope you`ll see what I mean: Have you a good method to get only a medium brown? Do I use the wrong Colour (Dye) or even use it wrong?
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