OK - so this might seem a silly question.. but how hard is it to replace a needle bar?
On my Brother TZ1-B651, the needle snapped right up inside the bar. (Moment of madness on my part I think, somehow)
The remnants of the shank (1/4") was well and truly stuck in the bar, and wouldn't come out, so I ended up removing the needle bar from the machine, and using compressed air to loosen the needle part until I could nudge it out far enough to grab and pull with pliers.
But getting the bar out was far from easy - and took a bit of force - as the end was slghtly enlarged - I don't know why. But it was tough coming out, and is likely to be togh to re-insert. I assume I need to replace the needle bar. (Do I?)
As this machine uses a different needle size to my others, can I just change the needle bar to a 'different' one, so my needles become interchangeable?. The bar outside diameter must be the critical factor, as the tolerances on the sliding surfaces are pretty tight. Is there a standard - I presume not, otherwise why would there be so many options....