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Everything posted by Fraulein

  1. Love me a good snake inlay and yours looks fantastic! Good clean design and flawless execution
  2. That is beautiful!! So sorry to hear about your daughter, that must be so hard to go through, but be glad she's still with you! That really is gorgeous work God bless
  3. Fraulein

    First Purse

    Thank you so much! That's a great tip, I'll certainly be using it for my future bags! Thank you!! Thanks!
  4. So glad I could help! Good luck in all your future endeavors!
  5. Fraulein

    First Purse

    I agree, the pockets are not my favorite as far as security, but when I designed it my Grandma wanted them that way for ease of access because she's older
  6. Fraulein

    First Purse

    Go for it! You're welcome to use that design all you want. My philosophy is always to share and learn from others so we can all put bits and pieces together to come up with new designs
  7. That looks amazing!! Can I ask what it's lined with? Looks like some kind of cushy padding material, which I'd love to use for some laptop covers myself
  8. Fraulein

    Judge holsters

    That stamping pattern on the second one, awesome The rattlesnake one is awesome too! Love me some snakeskin. Wonderful work Frodo!
  9. Good point about the needles! (Pun intended) Thank you! Thanks for the tip! I appreciate it!
  10. Thanks for the input! I agree with you I like the look of 138 too, but it's starts to get in the way when I do detailed interiors
  11. Good eye! I spotted that right after I finished it and I was on such a time crunch I couldn't fix it. It's gonna haunt me for the rest of my life Beautiful clutch you did! Thanks for posting! Helps to actually see what different sizes look like on a project
  12. Those look awesome! I love experimenting with new ways to use a stamp. Those are very creative!
  13. I have a class 26 as well. Pretty much what @bladegrinder said, I go real slow when I get close to the corner and pay attention to that last stitch. When I get to about where I think the last stitch will be I stop using the foot pedal completely and turn the wheel by hand till my needle almost touches the leather, then I can raise the foot and manually move the leather so that last stitch lands exactly where I want it to. Then I can turn the wheel to sink the needle and turn the piece, lower the foot again and keep right on sewing. I'll add that I didn't have to remove a brake pad or anything on my class 26 to be able to turn the wheel easily. Good luck!
  14. Thank you so much guys! Definitely one of the best feelings out there when you get to give somebody a handmade-heartfelt gift!
  15. Thank you!! Yes, that's the best kind of work! Feels way more special to me than buying something when I can pour myself into a project like this.
  16. Just finished this, the wallet I was working on when I started to have issues with the 138 thread. Went ahead and finished it with 138 because I was on an extreme time crunch to get it done. I appreciate everybody's replies so I can do better on my next ones!
  17. Thanks! Thank you! Definitely put a lot into that one
  18. RJust finished up this snakeskin wallet! Snakeskin is watersnake from Tandy, glued to a 4-5 oz veg. Interior is some black chrome that I had lying around, not sure exactly what it is. I put this design together for a birthday present for a very special person in my life. After months of secretly gathering information from him about what he wanted in a wallet I came up with this. The coin pocket and flap for extra card capacity were both things that I added specifically for him. I went with snakeskin for the exterior because he loves snakeskin. Laced the edges with a Mexican round braid which took me hours. Overall pretty happy with how it turned out but I'll definitely do some things differently next time. He absolutely loved it though so I'm calling it a success.
  19. Fraulein

    My first wallet

    Looks good! Nice simple clean design. Love the dye work. Wallets are so much harder than they look, it's just so difficult to get everything to line up right. You did great on it though!
  20. Really like that idea. I think it worked really well for the guitar strap and you executed it really well!
  21. I've got a cobra class 26, which is supposed to be able to handle thread from 277(only on the top strand) all the way down to 69.
  22. Thanks for the detailed answer. Get ready to be surprised, but the smallest thread I have is 138 (I do have bigger sizes too) as most of my projects to date have been heavier duty items, and it has been O.K. for very simple interiors with not much stitching to them, but I've started to try some more detailed interiors and realized that 138 is just too big for it. That's why I posted here to see what everybody else was using before I go buying. Thanks so much for the replies everybody! Really appreciate everybody sharing their methods! Helps a lot to know what everyone else is using when figuring out what I want to use
  23. Looks great! I like the eagle, adds a nice touch. What a wonderful gift for a friend
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