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Advice on building a new shop/building as part of business

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Looking for advice on building a new shop/building as part of a new leather business.  This is not a question about converting my existing garage-my shop is already in my garage.  Has anybody done this?  Any experiences/recommendations for financing as part of the business?  I will be getting with my accountant for input but just want to get any ideas or lessons learned from the leather workers.


Thanks for any help.


Allow a room for keeping all hose deigns and loose bits to be stored tidy and easily seen and accessible. Room for your flammables. Allow for the whole lot to be moved around to suit the present required production. As time goes on what is important to have laid out well today may not suit what you produce tomorrow. Plenty of power points everywhere. Room to have gluing up safely and close to the operations, mine is mid building and off to the side where it can be isolated by a roller door if required. Heavy belt production as against heavy handbag production both take up a lot of room and do not intermix well for efficiency. Plan well as you can but expect the lay out to change around sometimes.

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19 hours ago, desullivan said:

Looking for advice on building a new shop/building as part of a new leather business.  This is not a question about converting my existing garage-my shop is already in my garage.  Has anybody done this?  Any experiences/recommendations for financing as part of the business?  I will be getting with my accountant for input but just want to get any ideas or lessons learned from the leather workers.


Thanks for any help.

@Campleathergoods may be able to help.  I believe he did a gofundme campaign.  I am also in the process of having a shop built.  Hope to be in it by mid-December.  It will be 15' x 40' (600 sq.ft.).  Am playing with the layout now.  I haven't decided to use the under portion of a 4' x 8' table for flat storage of leather sides, keep it rolled up in PVC pipe sleeves, or hang it from hangers in a closet type system.  @Brokenolmarine has some great ideas for tool storage and there are plenty ideas on the internet to look up.  Do you have the ability to fabricate your own wood stands/ storage?

  • CFM

Put in plenty of power outlets and maybe some 220. Electricity is an expensive part of your building but much cheaper to do it in the beginning than later on. 

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If you ever do direct sale to customers like in that they come and visit your shop, then I'd make like a small part in the front that look "business like", with a counter or a table for wrapping up the stuff that they buy, and potentially for selling the odd can of leather grease/conditioner to their products. '

Maybe also a place where you can make a small display of standard things that you sell (I am only guessing here): belts, dog collars, wallets, dog leashes etc. Stuff that a lot of people could use either for themselves or as gifts. 

Also check with local regulations regarding if there can be a step into the shop or if it has to be wheelchair friendly.

Good luck.

Brgds Jonas

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