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Why do so many links lead to the same site with East Asian characters and flashing lights?

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Put this question here because I do not now where else to put it.

Why do so many links on this site lead to one with Chinese/Japanese or some other east Asian characters with flashing lights etc.?  At least 4 different ones today, in the last 15 minutes. Specifically I was reading posts from 2014-2015.  

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The links change when the website at the link dies or changes.

When you come across them report it to a moderator* who will, when he/she gets the time, will edit out the bad link

* to report it just use the 'Report post' in the upper right corner of the posted message and tell them is a bad link in the wee message box

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That’s why links are not the best approach.  Photos, and videos when possible should be inserted within a post.  Links to hosting sites disappear.

Links which can’t be avoided include company websites, but those seem more durable.

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Braver than me , I won't hardly click on a link but I am old and untrusting :unsure:


We are pretty much stuck with linking to videos as they are much larger than the upload limits here.  If they are on YouTube, they usually stick around unless they infringed copyright or the person who posted them either removed them or blocked public access.


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Thank you. I will report to a moderator about it.

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On 4/5/2023 at 4:21 PM, Gezzer said:

Braver than me , I won't hardly click on a link but I am old and untrusting :unsure:


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