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Harry Marinakis

Another tooling maul with parquetry

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I made another tooling maul with parquetry. This time I recessed the bolts. The pommel swell is essential for a good, loose grip.

I wanted this one to be smaller and lighter for more precision work, so I used lighter woods.


Giant Sequoia




10 oz. UHMW head (2.5" tall x 3" diameter)

14.5 oz. overall weight.


The larger maul has a 16 oz. UHMW head (3.5" tall x 3" diameter) and weighs 23 oz. overall.


If you could have only one maul, then I think a perfect one-maul-does-it-all would have a 12 oz. UHMW head (3" in diameter).






Edited by Harry Marinakis

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Those are so cool.

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Gottaay I prefer the recessed nut: Cleaner lines. Another great job of turning too. 

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Those are so beautiful! I would not feel like using them.:)

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Those are exquisite mauls. I also like the recessed nuts on the latest one. Outstanding work. Makes me want to run out and get a small lathe. :lol:

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