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Young folks next door have a Boxer/Pit mix , great dog . They have been a big help to me so I decided  to make a collar for Toby ( their dog ) as a little thank you .

8 oz veg tan , diluted saddle tan , dark brown antique ( no resist ) acrylic top coat



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looking good.

And a super nice gesture. It is a great way of saying thanks to someone.

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Yup, looks nice

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Toby is now one dapper fur friend. Really nice work and great way of showing your appreciation. :thumbsup:

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That collar looks great! Love how you made it with multiple pieces. Nice work. 


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Thanks folks ! 

I wasn't sure what size and thought billet style might make fitting it easier 


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Very nice!  I personally believe that gratitude should've never went out of style.  JM2C, Jim

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