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Hey everyone,

Here is the first piece of braiding that I have made money on in a long time. Its actually made from the Tandy Kangaroo lace, and it wasnt too bad. I have since gone to cutting my own lace, I just dont have anything else done to post atm. As always, critiques and advice are welcome.

Thanks for looking,


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nice very nice !!! the knots look good and the design looks great. props on this project cant wait to see what comes next.


Those sure look nice wish I could do that.


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If it's not to much trouble could you please post a pic with your piece on a wrist?

I would like to see how it is intended to be worn.

Thanks in advance. I understand if you cant take a pic. That happens to me all the time. :(

Thanks Again,


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Thanks for the compliments, I see all of the flaws in it, but the customer was happy so thats all that matters.

No I cant show pics of it on I delivered it already. I will take pics of the next one....should be done tonight. You basically take the loop of one side and put it over the knot of the opposite side, then repeat. The small 4 bight gaucho knots slide up and keep the loops tight.


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I like that, my partner doesn't really like the style, but she doesn't like bulky jewellery really.

I can a few of the gaps in there between laces on the pineapples but the lines are nice and straight and overall I say good job.

Hopefully the customer loved it and will bring you some more potentials too.

Happy braiding.

What colours are the next one?

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Nice job Aggie :You_Rock_Emoticon:

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I like what you did with the buttons as far as flattening them! Do you mind if I use that? I sure like it and have never seen the 3 strand done like that before.

I suspect the minor gaps can't be seen when not enhanced by a close up camera lense. It's amazing to me the flaws that show up on a camera.

The leather looks pretty good too, you must have found a way to deal with the tandy lace!

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You are welcome to use whatever you would like from anything I do, because very little is original as I have picked techniques up from other people. Only so many ways to skin a cat.

The next bracelet project will be similar colors but different buttons and a little different style. Hopefully I can unpack all the the rawhide I have in my truck and get it cut down to make a few bosal cores.

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You are welcome to use whatever you would like from anything I do, because very little is original as I have picked techniques up from other people. Only so many ways to skin a cat.

The next bracelet project will be similar colors but different buttons and a little different style. Hopefully I can unpack all the the rawhide I have in my truck and get it cut down to make a few bosal cores.

Gday Aggie hawz ya going mate

What size bosals are ya thinking of doing ? are you useing a twisted or plaited core ?? wouldnt mind seeing a few of your steps if ya have a chance of taking a few pics



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Hey Bevan,

I havent really decided what size im going to do for my first one. Id like to make a few bosalitas that are a bit smaller and use them as cavisons. I havent really seen anything like that and I think they would be kinda cool. I think im going to use a plaited core, just because of the problems some people have seen from twisted ones. My Hought books cover the twisted ones really well, but I still think they would want to untwist a bit. I still have trouble calculating what size core I should use when trying to think of how many stands to put in. Id like to make probably a 12 or 16 strand bosal, but just cant get my mind wrapped around what size core I should use. I did look through Alan's tutorial and saw that he takes his core and wraps it with lining leather so I will probably try that. If it works well it would be nice to be able to make up a bunch of cores the same size and just have them sitting around ready to go. As far as taking pics of my steps, this will be the first bosal I will have made out of leather. The ones I made in the past were using old nylon ropes with parachute cord nosebands and heel knots. I feel pretty comfortable with the construction and all the steps involved, I just need to actually make one. Now after saying that I will probably have lots of problems lol.


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Hey Bevan,

I havent really decided what size im going to do for my first one. Id like to make a few bosalitas that are a bit smaller and use them as cavisons. I havent really seen anything like that and I think they would be kinda cool. I think im going to use a plaited core, just because of the problems some people have seen from twisted ones. My Hought books cover the twisted ones really well, but I still think they would want to untwist a bit. I still have trouble calculating what size core I should use when trying to think of how many stands to put in. Id like to make probably a 12 or 16 strand bosal, but just cant get my mind wrapped around what size core I should use. I did look through Alan's tutorial and saw that he takes his core and wraps it with lining leather so I will probably try that. If it works well it would be nice to be able to make up a bunch of cores the same size and just have them sitting around ready to go. As far as taking pics of my steps, this will be the first bosal I will have made out of leather. The ones I made in the past were using old nylon ropes with parachute cord nosebands and heel knots. I feel pretty comfortable with the construction and all the steps involved, I just need to actually make one. Now after saying that I will probably have lots of problems lol.


I am sure you will be fine mate !!!

I supply a few natural horseman around my way and i must say 5/8 is what most start off with then when the horse gets light with that , they normaly slip in to a 1/2 inch , and so on as the horse gets better , i twist my cores at the moment because that is the stiffness they want , soon i will plait my cores which will make them a little softer , but i have had a bloke that wanted a bosal as stiff as he could get ,,, after asking what he wanted it for i understood then the levels of tuffnes and why you would want them that stiff , i must add they are no good in ruff hands ,, i am sure with the people i supply i will be making bosalitas for them when they get to that levell

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Hey Bevan,

The Hought books are fairly good about explaining alot of the steps in making a twisted core, but dont go over the math needed to calculate the core size and the dimensions the string should be before twisting. I hate to ask you to do more work, but could you possibly make a tutorial to show those of us that havent made one just how you do it? I think it would be a great addition to the tutorials we have stickied here in the braiding section.


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Posted (edited)

Sign that I'm a city boy...I didn't understand half of what you guys were referring to. LOL

The bracelet looks nice though!

Edited by Spinner
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Nice looking work! I like the color combo.


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