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So,I've been wanting to get another dog again. It's been a year since the passing of my last dog "Sugar". It's been nice not having to "clean up" after a dog but i miss not having one. We have any pet owners here ? Cause you know what i'm talking about. I had 2 boxers, Mugzy and Sugar. Mugzy had to be "put down" at 10. It seemed somehow he had gottin a hold of poison. The following weekend my truck was broke into and my tools of the trade were stolen. Thanks punks, not only do you steel my lively hood but you kill my dog as well. Burn, burn !!! 3 years later Sugar went out for her last walk and laid down in the garage on her way out and never got back up . Which was just over a year ago. Sugar was an all white boxer which are prone to being deaf, she was and she was the best freakin dog i ever had. I got Sugar from i guy i worked with at the time. He too was deaf, i got a deaf dog from a deaf guy. I swear , i couldn't make that up if i tried. He couldn't hear her bark and she couldn't hear him yell and neither of them could hear each other fart! Poor Mugzy was as smart as a box of rocks but was full of love. I called them "Deaf and dumber" .

My wife always comes up with these silly little nicknames for all the pets. Then she likes to sing the "name song" when she calls them. Sugar, sugar bo bugar fe fi fo fugar, Sugar. And Mugzy, mugzy bo bugzy fe fi fo fugzy, Mugzy. So this time, although i haven't found the two i'm getting, i've already picked out their names. Chuck and Bucky !! Now sing their names for the world to hear!

Stick around folks tonite we'll be having a great time with one of our very own "YakLady" . If you don't know her by now you're really missing out. She's a wonderful person and a heck of pillar to the leatherworker.net community. And now lets say hello to the house band . Kevin King and the Suicide Puppets. Take us to the break KK.


freak -- Hello Kathy, you look great.

Yaklady -- Thanks freak, i feel great.

**freak reaches over and touches Yaklady on the arm**

freak -- Yes, yes you do. You feel great. So Kathy would you like to tell people your real name ?

**Yaklady just looks at freak and shakes her head in disbelief**

What?!? oh.......**just kind of looks around** All righty then...So is Pat with you tonite?

Yaklady -- Pat is here but our 2 kiddos couldn't make it.

freak -- Thats, well that's to bad, we all could of went out after the show. Not saying you know , that like, the three of us can't do something, Dinner....um..a show or ya'll can just wash my truck.

Yaklady -- yeah **thinking whatever** . How bout you buy us dinner and a show and you go wash your truck,,,,freak.

freak-- Wow, i was just thinking

Yaklady -- Did it hurt again or are you just surprised that you can?

freak-- Well yeah. How long have you and Pat been married ?

Yaklady --We've been married for 28 years, I think. That's hard to do since I'm 29.

freak -- haha, so you and your son are almost the same age, Now that's gotta be fun.

Yaklady --LOL yeah well lets see. I have a son, Sean, 25, and a daughter, Sheena, 23. We have lived in this house for almost 22 years.

freak -- 22 years ?! Nice, ya must really like it there.

Yaklady --I like it here, because the yard backs to the National Forest. There are trails back there that go all the way to Mount Evans. We have found fox dens, bear beds and mountain lion dens within a short distance of the house. None of them have ever eaten me. Bull elk come into the yard on a regular basis and stare at my pig.

freak -- Man, that sounds just awesome.........I love bacon !! LOL

Yaklady-- freak !

freak -- Sorry but come on i didn't get a gut like this from not eating bacon. But, really the place sounds really nice . Almost story book like. One that i'm sure many would love to have, i know i would. Speaking of your animals why don't you tell us how you came up with your user name "Yaklady".

Yaklady -- Hold on, i gotta know something first freak

freak -- *wondering what tha** and, what would that be Kathy ...?

Yaklady -- Why are you wearing a wrestling mask ? I thought for sure you'd take it off by now. Or that it was a prop for something you were going to do.

freak-- LOL ! i forget i'm wearing it sometimes. Ain't it great ?

Yaklady -- If you think so freak. I think you think so, so it works for you.

freak -- Oh come on know, think about it, If you were a wrestler, you could become whoever you want. Oh yeah,,, and you could come out to whatever music you want. You'd have your very own theme song. **nods head* huh, huh ?? YEAH.. So come on know, who would you be ?? ha,,,ha,,,ha ?

Yaklady -- Hmmm LOL, I can't quite make up my mind on the theme song. It would either be "Mission Impossible" or "Rubber Duckie". I suppose Yaklady would be a reasonable name for a wrestler, since yaks can be mean and ruthless. I don't want to end up in the freezer, though.

freak -- See now your talking lady.

Yaklady -- So really what's with the mask ?

freak -- I just picked up my daughter from school. She's in first grade and i like to wear it when i do. I figure if there's any REAL freaks around they'll leave. Thinking they can't compete with that. Plus all her classmates like it. The best part is ordering at the drive thru with it still on and talking back to them with the same muffled voice. "I''de ike umber our ease." Ok, ok, ok, now back to your user name. Give up the dirt lady...

Yaklady -- Two years ago I purchased my first trio of yaks, three weanlings which had been delivered to the National Western Stock Show where I picked them up. As soon as I got them in the trailer, the 5 month old bull let me have it! I had bruises from my hip down to my knee. Was I smart enough to take the little bitty bull back right then and there? No! "Give the little guy a chance, he's only a baby", I thought. A year later and a few hundred pounds bigger, the bull had two feet of huge horns and was meaner than ever. He would have thrown me through the air if I hadn't ducked behind that big pine tree. Every time I came near the pasture fence, he came charging over to intimidate me. Okay, he's got to go. This pasture ain't big enough for the two of us! There's no way I would sell this deadly weapon to anyone else. Someone sold us an attack rabbit once, making us think she was nice. I won't do that to an unsuspecting soul. I bet this bull would taste good . . . and he does! Tender, juicy, low in fat and cholestrol. I have a beautiful yak hide and an ugly yak skull, too. The bull was sent away to meet him doom right before I joined Leatherworker.net. ClayB convinced me to join, and he has a way of making me look like the guilty party. I was quickly labeled "yakmurderer". I'm too sophisticated to carry a barbaric name like that, so I took on Yaklady instead. It's probably my fault Clay walked into the women's restroom, but that's another story.

freak -- Hey, hey know this is a family show. Thanks for ending it there. LOL. Poor Clay, well have to get that story at a later time.

Yaklady -- * nodds with a HUGE smile * Yeah we'll let that one go for now.

freak -- I've seen your work first hand. I gotta tell ya, very impressive. I wonder what the first thing you ever made was. Which makes me wonder how long have you been doing leather work and what got you started in the craft ?

Yaklady -- The year was 1970, and I was . . . well, very young. The neighbors up the hill decided to teach leather craft as a 4-H project. That sounded like a fine addition to my horse and poultry projects. Who knows what my first project was, but it wasn't very good. By my third year, I started winning Grand Champion. My last year in 4-H, I made a saddle from a kit that Tandy's sold at the time. It got Champion at the Colorado State Fair, so I guess I did okay. It has been my favorite saddle ever since.

freak -- Wow, very nice. It seems everyone has a style they favor and wish they were better at other areas. So what would you say are your strong and weak points ?

Yaklady -- Figure carving is what I do best with leather. I love trying to get lots of little tiny detail in the figures I carve. Teaching figure carving has become another passion. Helping other figure out how to get the enjoyment I do out of leather craft is a big thrill.

Basket weaving is not something you want to see me do, that and other stamping. I can't stamp a straight line to save my life!

freak --That brings up another good point or question if you will. When it comes to commisioned work, do you prefer the client to have the artwork/design or do you like to create your own ?

Yaklady --Most of the time, clients do not have their own artwork. They say "You're the artist!". I enjoy making up my own designs, but they don't always mesh with what's on my client's mind. The hard part is drawing out strange designs, like flaming eagles and smiling skulls. It's difficult to determine exactly what the client wants, and prefer to have them at least draw out something for me to go by. I don't want to recarve the whole thing.

freak--Yea, i like it when they have a good idea of what they want. I feel like it gives me more freedom. Don't get me wrong I don't mind art work, i welcome art work. They just have to understand many times some of it has to be changed to get the look they want.

It seems i've been doing alot a lacing as of lately as well. Which is good for me cause just over a year ago i was scared to death to do lacing. It always looked like i had two left hands.

Yaklady --Right at the moment, I don't care if I ever lace another single project! I laced countless projects while working at the motorcycle stuff shop. Most of the time it didn't come out looking like I would want it to look. When I stitched a project that was supposed to be laced, I breathed a sigh of relief. It had such a clean, neat look to it. Really, I don't mind lacing, but on most things, I prefer the look of stitching.

freak -- I'm starting to get to where i like to just layout a few of the basic tools i'll be using out in front of me. If you think about it you can really do quit a bit with just a hand full of tools and a few colors of dye. If on your next project you could only use 3 tools and 3 colors of dye/stain or paint, what would they be?

Yaklady --A swivel knife, beveller and my Peter Main modeling spoon would be my tools of choice. For the colors, all I need are black, white and red. I could make one mean yak with that: carve the yak, bevel his cute little body, and detail it with the modeler. My yaks are primarily black with a bit of white on their face and hind feet. I know what you're thinking. You think I would smear red on the yak and kill it on leather, but you couldn't be more wrong! A bit of red mixed with white makes pink, of course, and that's the color of my yaks' hind hooves.

freak -- We talked about this once on the forums and well....Not really a big topic, but still fun. Are you right handed or left handed ?

Yaklady --All people are born right handed. You become left handed when you sin!

freak-- LOL **starts thinking of all the people he knows that should be lefties then**

Yaklady -- A left handed friend of mine says that backwards. Why do you think all the lacing and tooling instructions are written for right handed people? Ever see a bear carved by a lefty? The ears are falling off! The only time I was a lefty was while my right arm was broken and in a sling. It' a good thing I didn't carve a bear; it's ears would have been coming out it's nose.

freak -- hmmm... ** thinks how his wife is a lefty and watches the show** Ummm....

Yaklady-- What do you keep doing over there freak ?

freak -- I'm sorry Kathy i was so freaking busy today i didn't have time to stop for lunch.And...well.. i picked up lunch. Just didn't have time to stop and eat it AND IT SMELLS SO GOOD. I just had to take a bite......and another bite which lead to another bite. Which lead to another bite. Which

Yaklady -- OK, OK i get it freak. Which lead to another bite and you could not stop. Your hungry, i get it.

freak -- Would you care for some? It's Chinese food, orange chicken. ** freak takes another bite** I love the fortune cookies. I like to read them and then call one of those psych hotlines and see how close they are.

Yaklady -- Did you do that today ?

freak -- 'Well yeah.

Yaklady -- And so ????

freak -- Oh um. The cookie said tell friends and love ones you love them. Then the psych asked me what i was eating. When i told them they said enjoy, that's your last meal. Then i told them what the cookie said, they said yeah that wouldn't be a bad idea..... Which made me think...I'm glad i got the orange chicken. LOL !!!

Yaklady -- LOL.

freak -- So tell me, if you could only know when or how you were going to die, would you want to know, and if so, which one, when or how? What would be your last meal?

Yaklady -- If I knew I was going to die, why waste time on healthy food? I would eat chocolate, mounds of marvelous, scrumptous chocolate, with lumps of peanut butter mixed in like that peanut butter and chocolate ice cream at Baskin Robbins with hot fudge all over it. Then if I have to go and die, I may as well have fun doing it. Maybe I could slice my wrist with a head knife while doing leather work. No, too much clean up. I could fall off the Sydney Harbor Bridge, but I might mess up someone's car. I already elininated the possibility of being gored by a crazy yak bull. Maybe I could die at the hands of my mutinous students when I make them hair a huge moose with a stylus. Knowing my luck, I'll be bitten by a Komodo Dragon and die a slow, miserable death from the deadly bacteria transmitted by the bite.

freak -- Hmmmmm, mounds of marvelous, scrumptous chocolate, with lumps of peanut butter. **freak rubbs his stomach just thinking of all the chocolate** That reminds me i have to stop at the dollar store and get candy. The wife and i are going to the movies and well you know why pay six duckies at the theater when you can get the same candy at the dollar store for well....a dollar. Do you and Pat do that ?? Take your own candy to the movies ??

Yaklady -- Candy is not what to eat at the movies. Popcorn is the movie mainstay; a nice big bucket with gobs of ooey gooey buttery junk that clogs your arteries, with a big Dr Pepper to wash it down. Can't smuggle that in, you gotta get it there. I did smuggle food not long ago; a guacamole bacon burger into the National Western Stock Show. Who wants to eat their lousy burgers for twice the price? Yes, our guacamole bacon burgers were a little cold when we finally got seated to watch the Gambler's Choice Jumping, but they still beat those other second rate burgers.

freak -- I've takin a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before to the movies. Heck i think i could eat a P & J sandwich anytime, anywhere. I've even takin one to a outdoor concert before. What about you, are you a Pb&J or a ham and cheese person ??

Yaklady --This is an easy question for me. Pigs are my very favorite animals in the whole wide world. Seventeen years ago, I purchased a potbelly, Yucatan cross. That's when the potbelly pig rage was on, and there was no way I could afford one of them. My pig, lovingly dubbed "Bacon", now 17 years of age, constantly receives death threats. Every male leather worker I know wants to eat my pig! One guy even carved a picture of a pig on a spit for me. How nice. Because of that, I avoid eating ham. Peanut butter is one of my favorite foods, anyway. I'll stick with it while it sticks to me.

freak -- What was the last concert you went to?

Yaklady --I'm not much of a concert goer. The last one I went to was for my niece when she was playing her cello in college, but I don't really think that's what Freak meant. When I was kid I saw the Monkees. Go Davy! When my kids were in high school, we all went to a Weird Al concert at the Colorado State Fair. $5 a piece to get in! That guy's so weird! I loved it. I think the last real concert I went to was one put on by a local oldies radio station. Let's see, the Turtles, Dion, someone else who I don't remember, and Peter Noon of Herman's Hermits. He was the best part. Peter may be getting old, but he's stiil as handsome as ever, and what a crowd pleaser! He had all us "old" people dancing in the isles like a bunch of kids. In college I went to a memorable concert. I have no idea who the band was or even what kind of music they were playing, but I do remember the male streakers. thumbsup.gif

freak -- LOL !!! Dad ?? LOL !! Didn't Peter do a simpsons episode ? If you could be any cartoon character for a day, who and why?

Yaklady -- Bartok is my cartoon character of choice. He talks so cute. When I listen to him, I mimic his anitcs for days. Who is Bartok, you say? He's that cute little white bat who hangs out with Rasputen on Anastasia. I bet you thought I wanted to be Pumba. He's a close second, since he's so cute and irresistable. After all, pigs are the most wonderful creatures on earth.

freak -- I love pigs, they taste great.

Yaklady -- lol. I'm going to run you over freak, when we leave here.

freak -- OMG , that just made me think off all the stuff you and Pat packed in your SUV for the dallas show last October. I need to get my wife a SUV. If $$$ was no object, what vehicle would you get?

Yaklady -- The vehicle I would like most has a six horse power engine. A big, gigantic wagon pulled by six percherons would be great! It might take me more than seven hours to get to Sheridan, but I wouldn't have to buy gas along the way. A few years back, I drove a team of four percheron geldings on some lonely Iowa roads. The power behind those horses is incredible. I thought they were gonna rip my arms right off! You didn't think I'd want a Hummer, did you?

freak -- I'de hope not, cause then Pat would have to get a Jeep to pull you out of ....well everywhere. Plus with gas prices, horse and wagon doesn't sound to bad really.

**looks at the clock ** We're about out of time and that pretty much wraps up the show. I'de like to think Kathy for not only coming on the show but for being a great sport about it and being our first guest. Any last minute tips or secrets you'd

like to share as we go out , Kathy ??

Yaklady -- Sure freak, now that i think about it. I don't really cover dyeing that often and one thing i don't see many people do, that i think they should. Is that they should be

freak -- Goodnite everone !! If you get a chance to take one of Kathy's classes please do. She's a great teacher, great leather worker and you're sure to have a good time.

If you or someone you know would like to be a guest in our studio audience . Please just send yourself a reminder to check back at leatherworker.net and look for the "freakshow". I'll be trying to post a new show ever month. Maybe more , maybe less, maybe i'll get shut down. Be sure to check your pm box as you might be invited to be the next guest.

  • Members

ok, that was FREAKing hilarious. *mass applause*

  • Ambassador

Great show freak, and such a wonderful guest....thanks Yaklady.


  • Contributing Member

Great Band :trumpet::guitar::drum:

Excellent Guest :spoton:

Best Late Show Since Carson :crazy:

  • Ambassador

clap clap lol lol clap clap :NEWFUNNYPOST:

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Were heading quick into the season where our animal shelters get overloaded with kittens and puppies and our breed rescues are crazily searching for homes so they can bring new animals out of the shelters.

I know our local shelter got overloaded with pits, but we got a fair share of boxers and boxer mixes too!

There are gads of boxer rescue groups on the internet and you are the ideal pet owner - the one that takes a pet in as a member of the family and doesn;t discard them when they are no longer cute and cuddly.

Love to see your new pets when you get them!


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freak -- Thats, well that's to bad, we all could of went out after the show. Not saying you know , that like, the three of us can't do something, Dinner....um..a show or ya'll can just wash my truck.

Yaklady -- yeah **thinking whatever** . How bout you buy us dinner and a show and you go wash your truck,,,,freak.

freak -- Oh come on know, think about it, If you were a wrestler, you could become whoever you want. Oh yeah,,, and you could come out to whatever music you want. You'd have your very own theme song. **nods head* huh, huh ?? YEAH.. So come on know, who would you be ?? ha,,,ha,,,ha ?

Yaklady -- Hmmm LOL, I can't quite make up my mind on the theme song. It would either be "Mission Impossible" or "Rubber Duckie".

Yaklady -- So really what's with the mask ?

freak -- I just picked up my daughter from school. She's in first grade and i like to wear it when i do. I figure if there's any REAL freaks around they'll leave. Thinking they can't compete with that.


  • Contributing Member

ROFL.."This pasture ain't big enough for the two of us".....

Freak, you did a great job with this. I can't decide who was funnier, but I know who has to be the better lookin' of you two.

  • Contributing Member

Hi Freak,

That was great. I think you missed your calling, you need to have your own talk show. You also picked one of my favorite people to be your first guest. I hope you do more of these.

  • Contributing Member

LOL This was great!!!!!!!!


  • Ambassador

Big huge thanks goes out to Kathy. She took the time to do this as well. I had a blast doing it and i'm hoping to do many more. I wasn't sure how well this would go over here. Humor can be hard to take in text, it's all about timing and delivery. Kathy is very nice and very quick wit. After going back and forth with one lines with her in live chat, i just knew it would be fun doing it with her. LOL that just doesn't sound rite. LOL !!

Thank you all for watching and please don't forget to tell a friend. The June show is already in the making. Have fun ya bunch of freaks !!!!


Nice Freak some funny stuff

Dave Theobald

  • Members



'nuff said.

Please make this a regular feature.


  • Ambassador

Thanks !!

Over 300 views and just over a hand full of replies. HMMMMMM !!! What, is it my breath ?? I thought more would like it, oh well.

  • Moderator


Sorry I was too busy laughing until now to reply. :You_Rock_Emoticon:

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