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I posted this a few days ago but the glitch got it. I'm new to the forum.

Looks like a great resource. This is my first saddle. Still in progress. Needs to be assembled, fleeced, and broke in. Appreciate any comments or suggestions. Here is a sheridan sketchbook cover I did as well.










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I posted this a few days ago but the glitch got it. I'm new to the forum.

Looks like a great resource. This is my first saddle. Still in progress. Needs to be assembled, fleeced, and broke in. Appreciate any comments or suggestions. Here is a sheridan sketchbook cover I did as well.


I think the saddle is great, I would love to be able to make one but I'm not quite ready yet. I'm still in the motorcycle seat fear stage. Great work!


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Going to be a fine looking saddle. I sure like the way you layed out the tooling. :yes:

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Very Nice Work ! ! !

Saddle is lookin realy good.

The scetch book is beautiful !

I'm a sucka for nicely done Sheridan Leather.

I've been toolon for a while, but never made a saddle, one day soon.

For your first one, it looks just great .

Make sure you post the finished work, with plenty of photos.

And by the way welcome to the site..


As I'm only on my second saddle I have no structure advice but it looks great!


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Wow!  Very nice work. I also love the binder cover.  Yiur Sheridan is very cool.


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Congrats on the first saddle and welcome to the forum! Very nice job on the notebook cover too. I like the carving. May I ask what tool(s) you're using for your beveling?

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Congrats on the first saddle and welcome to the forum! Very nice job on the notebook cover too. I like the carving. May I ask what tool(s) you're using for your beveling?

Mornin' Go2Tex,

I use a variety of bevelers. I use primarily Tandy/LeatherFactory tools. I did buy a few from the Al Stohman line. As you can see on the undercutting of the flowers I have about 4 different sizes of undercut bevelers. I like the way you can get more relief on the flowers. I like what it does to shadows and textures. In the broad open areas I use the larger bevelers and go smaller as the work requires.

I don't know if that answers your question. If not, let me know and I will photograph them and indicate where they were used. Thanks to everyone for the kind words.


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Great work! I love the border, it's simple but it really makes the whole look come together. Keep it up.

  • 3 weeks later...
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Hey, thanks for all the words of encouragement. I might add, that if the skirts appear short, it's built for Arabs. I took several measurements from my horses and had Bowman build a tree to my specks. So the overall length of the saddle

is about 25". I am in the process of putting together the full rigging. Then I can assemble. I am in a quandry regarding the stirrups. I am leaning toward matching, carved, leather. Rather than metal. I still have to to the padded seat.

I find that a little intimidating. I did have trouble finding a 3/4 foam with good density for the pad. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I might obtain such material ? Thanks for any help on that.


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Posted (edited)

Nice work on the saddle, can we see pictures of it on one of your Arabs when you get it all done?

Edited by serena
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Nice work on the saddle, can we see pictures of it on one of your Arabs when you get it all done?

Hi Serena,

I would be glad to post it on one of the Arabs when I have it finished. If you would like to see some of the arabs without the saddle, you can see them on my website. www.ancientoaksarabians.com Thanks for the kind words.


  • 4 years later...
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Very nice looking saddle and the tooling is beautiful.

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Bebah, you are heading down the right path. This saddle is looking good. I am sure you will be pleased with it when you are done. keep up the good work.


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