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What you have and what you use it for or somethng like that.

Whats your complete set up?


Laptop - Asus a6km

PMP (personal media player) - Archos 504/160gb

Camera - Nikon cool pix P3

Gaming - Game pad and MX518 mouse

Speakers - Zen creative portables

Phone - Sony ericson 550i in purple

HD's - external 500g filled, 400g filled, lacie mini 40g filled and archos 160g few gig left...


I'll play....

Laptop: HP Pavilion dv2500

PMP: iPod Touch

Camera: Canon PowerShot SD200

Gaming: haven't gamed in ages

Speakers: don't use them; I have Shure e2C in-ear headphones

Phone: Samsung Alias

HDs: really should find those...


Computer: Gateway GT5028

AMD Athlon 64x2 Duel

Core Processor 3800+

2.00 GHz, 4GB of RAM

250GB HD

19" niko flatscreen monitor

Network: 3MG DSL connection using a Cisco router and Lync wireless hub

Camera: Cannon Power Shot A610

Gaming: N/A

Phone: Cell: Razor

Home: Vtech 5.8GHz

Flash: Micro Center 8Gig (just bought it last week for $17.99!)

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Hmm...this is always fun I live in a house with 6 computers and 3 laptops. We're all a bunch of gamers. My list is gonna be pathetic.

Comp - craptastic Dell something or other (soooo need an upgrade)

Mouse - Microsoft Sidewinder

Speakers - Logitech 5.1

Monitor - Toshiba 32" LCD TV, Samsung 19" LCD TV

Phone - Blackberry Pearl

HDs - Dual 500 gig externals, 250 gig internal

I also have my xbox 360 hooked up to the same TVs as the computer. Each of the people in my house has their room set up to be a gamer's safe haven. We all have mini fridges, I have a water dispenser (with hot water available). I think we have 4 xbox 360s in the house as well as random other consoles in various states of use.

I'm kinda ashamed of my computer since it licks monkey nuts, but I can't afford to build a new one yet. Especially since I want to spend more money on this fine new hobby here I've discovered.

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Intel Prescott P4 3.6 G



Drive1 30 G

Drive2 120 G

Zip 250

DVD/CD Burner


G4/1.25 G


Drive 1 60 G

Drive 2 80 G

DVD/CD Burner

KVM (Belkin)

NEC 19 monitor

Apple 20 LCD Display

Dymo Labelwriter 400 turbo

DVD/CD Burner

VST Tri Media reader

HP 1200 Printer

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I work in the IT field and am a Database Administrator so I have quite a few and everyone in the house has there own, I would have to go around and do an inventory lol. Let's see 6 computers and 3 laptops and 2 servers, and parts lots and lots of parts. I would have to do an inventory because I built all but the laptops and servers which are Dell's.

Then there are the game systems and cell phones lol...

My Name is Brad and I am a Computer Geek!

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I'm jealous Brad. I want a server in my house, it would make getting our fiels to each other's desktops easier.

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I built my own PC.....

Asus P5GC-MX1333 Motherboard

Intel Pentium Core2 Duo 2.20 GHz+ 2.20GHz

2 GB PC 5700 DDR2 Dual Channel RAM

160 GB SATA2 HDD (Internal)

160 GB SATA2 HDD (Linux Ubuntu Partition)

500 GB USB2 Maxtor OneTouch4 External Backup HDD

160 GB EIDE EIDE Storage HDD (External)

200 GB EIDE EIDE Storage HDD (External)

52x LightScribe Dual Layer DVD Burner

52x Dual Layer DVD/CD Burner

Creative LAbs SoundBlaster Audigy2 SoundCard

Logitech z640 5.1 Dolby SourroundSound Speakers

nVidia gForce 8600 GT 512MB PCIe Video Care

Acer P241w 24" Widscreen LCD Display (True 1080P Video)

MicroSoft Windows Vista Ultimate (32bit Install)

ULTRA MidTower Case w/ Clear side Panel and Blue LED Fans (2)

My wife has her laptop, my son has his gaming pc, I have a old PC in the workshop that runs Ubuntu (Linux) and they are all networked together....

I play BattleField 2142.... and pound cow ....

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Sounds like a sweet dream of a set up troy. Super jealous now...

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we have a dell computer and some kind of point and shoot camera plus some older film cameras and the wife has a cell phone. And to think some people say I'm not up on the teckie stuff HA!


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AMD Athlon 64 X2 dual core processor 6000+ 3 GHz w/ 3 gigs of memory running Vista Ultimate

Avertec laptop AMD Athlon 3000+ XP Pro

Olympus Stylus camera, multiple MP3 & 4 players, cell phone, etc

2005 Dodge Durango with a Hemi



HP DV5000 Laptop

Intel Duo Core


200 GB HDD

802.11g Wifi

Computer station


Averatec AV2260 12.1"

1.5 GHZ Processor

1 GB of Ram

100 GB HDD

802.11G Wifi

Living Room Toy


Dell Inspiron D620 (POS)

1.2 MHZ

1GB of Ram


AT&T Wireless Boardband Card

Work issued

Network: AT&T DSL Wireless Router

Camera: Olympus 10.1MP SLR & Casio Exilim 8.0 MP

Gaming: Playstation 2; PSP; Nintendo DS Lite

30 GB Video Ipod; 8 GB Nano; 2 GB Nano; 1 GB Shuffle

Phone: Cell: Palm Centro, Verizon

2 GB Micro XD card

Flash: 8 GB

HD: 160 GB & 350GB External Hard drive

Sorry, I am a gadget freak. I actually have the whole family on Wifi, running five laptops in the house.

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No need to apologise, thats why this thread is here.

Now if I can twist the topic slightly and ask whats your dream set up....


Heres mine...

At home

Asus gaming laptop I am not much for Home PC's these days


Asus G50V-A2 Centrino 2 15.4" WSXGA+/T9400/GeForce 9700M GT 512M GDDR3/4G 800/400G 7200/WiFi/Blu-Ray

On the road

Again asus...


ASUS Eee PC 1000H 80G (10" Display, 1.6 GHz Intel ATOM Processor, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB Hard Drive, XP Home, 6 Cell Battery) Fine Ebony

I would have this running all portable apps including XP portable which uses a max of about 100mb ram

But this gets attached ideally to an archos 5G running 250gig HD as a complete media system


Alternatively running the archos with a mini keyboard and mouse attached, The 5G version faster than 3g.......

Of course the archos can charge and accept files from my phone and digital compact camera.

The only thing left to find is a mini 5.1 surround sound system


Probably, a decked out Alienware gaming laptop or a Ferrari gaming laptop with about 4-5 GB of RAM and 1 TB of HDD. Haha

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Quad core something..cant remember..great for multi tasking

video..geforce 8800

4gb ram

500gb hd

tv tuner

dvd burner

22inch screen

plantronics wireless headset

some fancy gaming mouse???

wireless router


p4 3.2

geforce ..something 512mb

2gb ram


p4 2.8

bla bla bla


playstation 1,2, 3 ... 1 and 2 are mod chipped...dont know why i didnt get rid of the first two


nintendo ds


pda phone...love my pda...i read all my books on this

all pcs networked

satellite cable tv

4 mobile phones in the family

internet phone....saves soooo much money

two other tv's...

dvd players x 2

logitech webcam

sd cards and usb keys everywhere...i think these breed overnight.

use about 25gb of internet a month

usenet account


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My computer is powered by a bicycle we attached to a generator we attached with an old piece of rawhide. If you want Windows or other Microsoft products to crash, you just ring the bicycle bell.

Cell phones? I have a whip. If I want to contact someone, I write a message on a scrap of paper, put it in a cleft stick and have one of my kids run with it - the whip is for express mail.

Laptop? I have one - that is where the dog sits when I scratch his ears - the Dane has to stand on the floor - he does not fit on my laptop ...

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