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I have just been sweet-talked into making some simple, hand stitched or laced mobile phone cases but to be honest I don't know where to start.

I don't make soft squashy leather stuff, I work with tooling leather so what are my options? Has anyone found a good basic design that can be 'grown' or 'shrunk' to fit any size of phone or am I in a heap of trouble? (again!).

Right now I'd really appreciate your advice, comments and some helpful pictures guys. Thanks in advance... Ray

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RAY i have done several phone cases kinda like what you are talking about.

firm leather on the front and back now for the GUSSETT HEAVY DUTY

elastic...........this will work to fit several sizes of phones.

today the phones are smaller than they were 5 years ago. but you can get an average size

pattern that will fit the phones that you are making the case for.

P S .cut some blocks of wood the size of the phone you are making the case for.

Edited by Luke Hatley

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RAY i have done several phone cases kinda like what you are talking about.

firm leather on the front and back now for the GUSSETT HEAVY DUTY

elastic...........this will work to fit several sizes of phones.

today the phones are smaller than they were 5 years ago. but you can get an average size

pattern that will fit the phones that you are making the case for.

P S .cut some blocks of wood the size of the phone you are making the case for.

Many thanks, I can see that idea working really well, Luke, but I was kinda thinking I'd like to make the whole thing from leather. A sort of 'one piece' pattern that could be stitched up the edges somehow. Elastic sounds a tad complicated and I definitely don't do complicated!

Besides, I managed to 'accidently adjust' my ancient sewing machine today and I'm having something of a *&@%* struggle sorting out the tensions again; so machine sewing probably isn't on the agenda any time soon! LOL

I can do the bits of wood though... <grin!>

Anyone got a 'one piece' style that works?

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Well I hate to :deadsubject: but the Tandy version is a one piece model, suitable to stiffer leather, and is commonly assembled with only three or five rivets.

Edited by TwinOaks

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Well I hate to :deadsubject: but the Tandy version is a one piece model, suitable to stiffer leather, and is commonly assembled with only three or five rivets.

Thanks muchly, Twinoaks - this will do very nicely! (see picture)

Not wishing to seem in any way ungrateful for the idea, but I would be very happy to see any other styles before I set about cutting leather...

Is anyone making anything different?



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I make a quicky very similar to the Tandy, Sometimes I put a heavy belt clip, sometimes a light one, but my little change is that I use earth magnets, hand sewn in place. The bikers like them cause the velcro and such fly off in the wind, or the standard magnets you buy at leather suppliers is too bulky, and not strong enough. I also use screws instead of rivets. Not much, but I'll show 'em here for you...







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Thanks muchly, Twinoaks - this will do very nicely! (see picture)

Not wishing to seem in any way ungrateful for the idea, but I would be very happy to see any other styles before I set about cutting leather...

Is anyone making anything different?

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Here are some of mine.........I use wood blocks to wet mold them to the shape of the phone. You could come up with a universal style of block and try that.

See what you think.
















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Those are sweet Timbo!

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Those are sweet Timbo!

......thank you.....thank you very much.........(end bad Elvis impersonation)

weird thing is..........they don't sell.


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I recommend sewing in a liner with foam rubber underneath it. This would allow you to make a cell phone case that "adjusts" to each type of phone and would either drop the need for a flap or allow you to do something like an envelope style flap that tucks under a retaining strip of leather.

This is something I did for a customer for the cue cases I build. It worked perfect as a universal (at least for the four different models we had in the shop that day) cell phone holder.


Here is a pic with no phone in it.





Lastly, the Chinese leather workers do a lot of cool patterns for cell phone holders. They share patterns too. I'd contact forum member Bobocat and ask him because his forum is pretty active with stuff like this including step by step tutorials.

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Don't know if this will help or not, Ray. I've been asked to make some cases for in-laws. I didn't want a bunch of parts, or a bunch of sewing, and everyone wants some kind of design on them. And, of course, like you said, they are all different sizes. I didn't get a pic of #1, but this is no. 2. About 4-5 oz veg tan.

This is about 10 3/4" long and the middle is 2" wide.


I haven't sewn this one together.


First one I sewed the "T" part of the end together. Slid the flap end through and then sewed a belt loop over top of the connected "T" part. This lets the bottom of the case be able to float a bit to adjust for the height of the phone. I cut out part of this to make room for the antenna. I didn't like the length on the flap - it's a bit long, but I think it will make it easier for pap-in-law (he's 91) to open the flap.

Far from perfect - and chime in if you see anywhere to make changes!




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Ray, I use the Tandy version for the ones I make, and just put the pattern on a scanner or copier, and reduce or enlarge the image to fit my needs for the different size phones. It works quite well. Rusty

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I've built several open top cell phone cases for different size cell phones.

I use the same "T" shaped pattern for all the cases.





Edited by Randyc

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I used a different approach on my cell phone case.



My cell phone is a "soap bar" type, that doesn't flip open.

The holder is an oval cylinder, with the top cover held on by a snap.

The cover also has an interior loop through which I have fastened the hand strap of my phone, so they are connected. That means I don't lose the top, because it's attached to the phone, and the phone is also harder to misplace! :)

The basket weave was done with a knife and a beveler--no stamping.

You can see the gold snap clip, which is clipped onto a belt loop riveted to the case.

Maybe you'll see something in this that you'll find useful.



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I've made a few cases myself. I had an old "universal" case from Nite-Ize and I blatantly copied their shape...even cut the belt clip out of the old one to put in my case.

I braided around the edges, and put a conquistador braid in the sides. No stiching except for the flap that helps hold the belt clip on. (which I did by hand).

I've made these for larger phones by increasing the size of my pattern, and thinning the flap over the top to account for phones with the antenna sticking up. Haven't tried to go smaller yet, but might someday.

A "universal" case might be a good one to copy, as they're designed to fit a lot of different phones, and are fairly adaptable.



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I hadn't realised until I saw all the different designs just how interesting a phone case could be. I am working on my own design and will post as soon as I have it sussed. Meanwhile, this is turning into a really useful resource so has anyone else got a design to add? It would be good to hear some suggestions from those who maybe haven't contributed before or who have ideas rather than pictures to share.

Just one point; I notice a lot of people use silver decoration on these cases - how do people feel about this sort of thing? Is this what people are asking for or do we do it because the decorations are available?

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Hang in there you will make it...............

Ray when i do my Cell Phone case, and get the $$$ i want, the customers expect a little flash

so conhos or initals it is............

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Hang in there you will make it...............

Ray when i do my Cell Phone case, and get the $$$ i want, the customers expect a little flash

so conhos or initals it is............

Thanks Luke - I'm working on it!

From a sales and marketing point of view it would be interesting to know if people thought :

1) the silverwork is essential in order to sell the leatherwork?

2) the silverwork is not essential and not desirable?

3) the silverwork is simply something you can do if you have the silver to hand and a customer with plenty of dollars?

Edited by UKRay

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Where on god's green internet earth can you get this many responses for one question! Gotta love it!

You guys & gals are AWESOME!!


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I can't find my camera! I made a cell phone case today made from the Tandy type pattern. Instead of riveting the case together I used a whip stitch and lace around the opening and around the holes on the sides. I used a piece of lizard remnant I had. I could not cut it in one solid piece so I stitched the back piece onto the front using a regular saddle stitch. I did use one rivet to hold the clip onto the leather. I also lined the inside with a piece of chrome tanned upholstry leather. I made it a bit snug to begin with, then after doing the lace, it snugged up some more! Now it is very tight but it should stretch out a little.

Once I get the camera I'll shoot a photo. My lacing in not the best in the world.


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Here are some of mine.........I use wood blocks to wet mold them to the shape of the phone. You could come up with a universal style of block and try that.

See what you think.


I make mine basicly the same way. I have taken a router and made molds. Case the leather real good and clamp up and let set for a couple hours then open the mold and let dry while still sitting in the mold. I have two molds that do just about all the phones that have came my way. Sorry but I am out of town and cannot post pictures at this time.


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I have made up a few cases. I'm not a fan of off the shelf patterns so I came up with my own design.

This one will fit most phones. I went to my local AT&T store where I have some friend and got some of there dummy display phones. Heres what I came up with.




The cutouts on the sides and bottom are fuctional to pull out, and push the phone in.





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