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Looks great Kevin!

I have one as well, but like you said, I haven't done anything with it....lol

I'll get around to it one of these days....


I've had this myspace account for a while and havn't had much desire to do anything with it till now.

Let me know what ya'll think.



Nice site Kevin! really displays of your work......great tunes too!

Posted (edited)

I'm on there aswell


Nickname: Tom Leatherart

I have my evil;-) customers at myspace thanks to a certain LillaSol who has promoted me alot. So my tip is to try and work your way into a group of people that have lots of common friends and try to get a "rings on water" sell effect. Sol took care of that for me and it was just one of those lucky coincidences. I actually adopted the Ambassador idea from here and titled her as my ambassador officially yesterday since she's done such a great job in promoting me and she has some knowledge about my work through our nightly discussions. Also gave her a freebie t-shirt with Toms leathercraft logo, www addy and AMBASSADOR title on the back.

What is great with myspace is that your work can be put up at the frontpage as clickable thumbnails and/or slideshow. I use both to smack it into peoples faces when they slide in but usually Sol is in the background and put people through to me. I almost never add people/bands except leatherworkers.

Your page looks great, not too cluttered and using those slideshows effectively.


Edited by TomSwede
  • Moderator

Hmmm...that's what we need...LW t-shirts with the URL on them....


Thanks Tom, I'll check yours out right now.

Hmmm...that's what we need...LW t-shirts with the URL on them....

We doooo need LW tees!


  • Members
Hmmm...that's what we need...LW t-shirts with the URL on them....

I'd buy one!!!


I'd buy a LW tee too!!

It'd be great to use for those attending physically to the IFoLG events to recognize each others or other shows.


  • Ambassador

I have a myspace also I havent done anything with either. got a few things here but not much. cool space Kevin nice work as usual. Bronc--Bonnie


It looks great!


  • Members

Nice one Kevin!

Great work and a cool site.



Good job on the MySpace pages, guys!

MySpace is doing my website dirty work for the time being as well. For the time being, until I get my real site up and working, you can reach my MySpace page by redirection through http://www.artisanskincraft.com

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Great entertaiment, I got tict when I clicked on Alice and the tunes went down, then Alice started playing and I was okay. Whew!!

Great design, like your work.

Looks like a bunch of you guys are co-oping spreading the word for your talents.

The site rox :drum: man, GH


Great entertaiment, I got tict when I clicked on Alice and the tunes went down, then Alice started playing and I was okay. Whew!!

Great design, like your work.

Looks like a bunch of you guys are co-oping spreading the word for your talents.

The site rox :drum: man, GH

I actually had the opportunity to pass a job onto TC leathercraft through Myspace/LW. A message was posted from somemone looking for a maskmaker and I know Tammy has her hands full keeping everything up and doesn't have too much time to scan LW so I posted a message to try and connect to her via LWs PM system or look her up at myspace.

So definetly good tools we got with the tecnology available today.



cool cool cool!

Ya'll should check back often as I am probably going to be changing it up a lot.


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