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Fixing to order two blue guns ..... one of which is the xds

Looking and a little research and it seems like the xds 9 is what I would wand and then I could mold a 45 off of it.

Yes or no


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The XDS is made in two barrel lengths, 3.3" and 4.0". You can probably make a holster for the 3.3" with the longer mold gun but it may be more difficult making a 4" holster with a 3.3" mold.

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The difference in the real guns is the wall thickness of the barrel. The 9mm has a thicker barrel to work inside the same frame as the .45. FWIW, the 3.3 has been more popular for me. The 4.0 is more hit or miss.

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I have been taking profits back into supplies and there are no ends to blue gun needs. So I am getting some off the more popular. Two that makes one is better than one that makes one.

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I just went to do a count on my molds 91, some are doubles with lasers ,some are pieces of old firearms. AS we mostly specialize in semi autos we only have about 7 or so revolvers..


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The ejection port of the 9mm is shorter than the ejection port of the 45. Also the mags are different.

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"itch, it is going to be awhile before I get that many"

MAYBE NOT if you keep going down the rabbit hole,

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If I was you, I would measure the with of the Slide. The norm is that 9 and 40s are same with, 45s are slightly wider. I believe that the 9mm slide is .9" wide and the 45 is 1" wide. may not seem to be a big enough number, but it may cause some problems with retention (too tight on this case)

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On the XDs the platform isi the same both ( and .45 are .9 inch width on the slide. THe barrel on the 9 is slightly thicker to fit the slide.

The XD-S 3.3 .45 ACP (introduced in 2012) pretty much rewrote the book on what defines large-caliber pocket pistols by becoming the smallest .45 ACP semi-auto ever produced. With a polymer frame and modest weight of 21.5 ounces (empty), a 5+1 capacity, a 3.3-inch barrel, an overall length of 6.3 inches, height of 4.4 inches, and slide width of just 0.9 inches

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I've probably done more holsters for the XDS45 than I have for any other pistol so far. Very popular here in the South.

  • 5 weeks later...
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Are you sure I have the xd 45 but I think the xd is skinner


You may realize or maybe not, but the OP is referring to the XD-s single stack pistols, not the original XD line. Two very different pistols. In the case of the XD yes the .45acp version is larger scale than the 9/40 but in the newer XD-s series the .45acp version came first and then was reverse engineered down to 9 mm, thus the two have nearly identical dimensions of frame and slide.

From the SA website:

XD9613HCSP06_460x278.pngoriginal XD

XDS93345S_460x278.pngnewer XD-s series

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The ejection port of the 9mm is shorter than the ejection port of the 45. Also the mags are different.


I can't say with certainty that the ejection port is different between the .45 acp and 9mm XD-s models (as I don't have a 9mm version to compare) but I'd be really surprised if the size of the ports was that different. Seeing as the OAL between the two calibers averages only about 0.100" difference between the two, I can't imagine there would be a sizable difference. You write with conviction, do you know for certain that these do vary?

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That .1 sounds about right. And that's about the difference in the length of the port. BUT, the length variation is TOWARD the butt, so not a big issue in molding the gun.

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I own both calibers so yes I know for cetain.


Thanks for the clarification. Definitely good to know.

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