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Hello Dear Leatherworkers,

I recently finished my first long wallet. I ruined everything on this project. For examples the stiches. I think the overall look is good but I learn again a lot. The next one will be better! ;)

The little birds are burned. :)







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Funny that you feel you've "ruined everything"... I was just thinking "everything looks great." I know how frustrating it can be to see a result that wasn't what I was after (or a little slip of a knife or a crooked stitch line), but the finished project seems to come out fine. Anyway, I think yours looks great-- nice work, and it's cool to see birds on leather. Not something you see everyday!


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I agree totally with what Tanner has just said. If that's "ruined work" I can't wait to see something from you that isn't!!

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Ditto the above, if that's your worst, I can't wait to see your best!

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Great job, love the bird and the feather.

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Thank you guys! Its an honor to hear these words from you!
+ info that i forget: Big thanks to the man who uploaded the base template to pinterest. :)

  • 1 month later...
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One of the nicest wallets I've seen

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Damn sure nice job on your wallet... My latest didnt come out nearly as nice as yours. Great job

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Thank you for the nice comments!
Spartan cadet here is the pattern: https://hu.pinterest.com/pin/336362665896869218/
Also check this picture: https://hu.pinterest.com/pin/426927239656547720/
On the second picture you can see how to stich together the wallet.

Have a nice day! I will post some new stuff soon. :)

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Hahahah... normally, I'm a sucker for staring at the stitching to see if there is something I can learn from to improve my own work. This time, I was so entranced with the imagery in the leather that I didn't even realize it was stitched until I read the comments! Great work, and the stitching is pretty dang good too, so no frettin there! thanks for sharing!


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Hahahah... normally, I'm a sucker for staring at the stitching to see if there is something I can learn from to improve my own work. This time, I was so entranced with the imagery in the leather that I didn't even realize it was stitched until I read the comments! Great work, and the stitching is pretty dang good too, so no frettin there! thanks for sharing!


Thank you YinTx! Good to hear words like this! :)

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