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Removing Ballpoint Pen Mark From Vegtan

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Got any ideas? I messed up with a ballpoint pen on vegtan, how to get it off?

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I use around 220 myself but I will go over the area with 1000 to get a very smooth surface. Then buff with old piece of towel. Be careful not to burnish. If you don't dye it, that area will soak up finish coat and be a different color. I use Neutral KIWI shoe polish to finish that piece. Will darken veg tan a tad just like M&G.

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Brake pad cleaner might spread it around until it's no longer visible. It takes ballpoint ink out of fabric. You might experiment by trying that with a marked scrap.

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I tried to sand it away, but it took of too much, and when antiquing it, it really looked bad.... it took to much colour, and was a dark line where the ballpoint pen had been... The item with ballpoint pen marks on was to be a holster for a smith&wesson... (I clumsed penmarks all ower...)

so I continued experimenting, thinking, well, all of the dyes, antiques, finishes anyways lift some of the colored layers... maybe they will lift the blue penmarks too?

the thinner didnt do anything.. the antique waterbased didnt do anyhing eighter, so I thaugt, well, then I just have to dye the whole thing black... and I tested on the scrap, and at first I saw the blue pen mark shining through, but then it suddenly wanished! And so I tried agan with the tan and redbrown, and it lifted away the penmark at almost 100 persent! WOHOOO!!

So the spirit dyes can lift the penmark away, it may not, but it can :) will post the item when completely finished :D

Thank you so much for helping me :)


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I know a saddle maker who used to teach at a saddle making school. He once told me that he would confiscate any pens he found on his students benches because it only took one pen mark to ruin a project, for just this reason.

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Use the same ink pen on a piece of scrap leather to experiment and test products. Try Fiebings deglazer. It might remove the ink with an application or two -- or three.

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You might try DyeGone II. It does an incredible job on hands, and I've used it with some success in "lightening to nearly gone" a small dye 'oops' on veg tan.


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This is the end result, the ballpoint pen marks are completely gone :) but never ever more a ballpoint pen near any of my leather projects! -"fettpenn" (greasepen?) or chalk only ;)

Anyway, this is the holster finished :)


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If you are using brown Fiebings dye on your projects it will remove red ball point pen marks. You can mark all over it and it will just disappear.

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Thats a good tips, thank you.

But on my projects I only use spirit dyes from ROC narvsværte (ROC spirit dyes). Havent got hand on Fiebings spirit dyes, oil dyes yet.

Still very happy the ballpointpent is gone :)

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