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Question when using 2 thin layers glued for a holster

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For the first time I am using 2 4-5oz pieces glued together for a pancake holster.  Do you sew the areas that are just the 2 layers to keep them from separating or is the contact cement sufficient for that?

Thanks Todd

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i assume you mean you are making a double layer for the front and the back. If that's correct, then yes you must stitch them together. You have to stitch across the top where the gun goes in, and across the bottom where the barrel goes. Then you glue the front to the back and stitch all four layers around the ends and meet the two layer stitching. 

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Do what TSes said, . . . and you will no doubt like that holster.

One of the old timers we haven't heard from on here for some time, . . . Katsass, . . . that is pretty much how he made all of his.  They were works of art.

Search for threads under his name that he started, . . . sit back and enjoy.

May God bless,


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Ok, I may draw some ire here, but you do not need to stitch the open parts i.e. throat and toe of the holster.  You CAN for aesthetic reasons, but it is not necessary to do so provided you understand how to use contact cement properly.  To test this, I sent some of my holsters to my cop buddies and told them to destroy them if they can.  Cops are notoriously hard on gear and none of them has delaminated.  Even with intentional neglect and abuse.

Now, if you  are worried about it for any reason, thread is cheap and it just adds one more step to your build process, so why not.  Its also nice aesthetically, so there's that.  Don't want to start an argument, so if you believe 100% that you must, then thats fine for you.  I do it both ways, and both work for me.  And Katsass is legend.

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Thanks for the replies.  I figured I would sew all edges. I have been reading all of the holster threads, I am back to page 114. I have read a bunch of Katsass’s posts. There is a ton of great info in the forum. 

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