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Everything posted by kevinhopkins

  1. Actually, I think Tony Laier, and Peter Main are right up there.... And I think that some of the Japanese carvers would probably be considered equally as talented. And Lionel Reed... He's done a number of car and pickup interiors in tooled leather that just blew me away... Kevin
  2. Hello Cheryl, I can really appreciate the frustration that you feel. I think everyone has give you some great thoughts, especially about the thread sizes. As far as sewing machines are concerned, sewing with the right size thread and needle are fairly critical. It's not that the machine won't sew if the thread is too small, and the needle is too big, but if the thread is too big, you can just forget it. One way to see if the thread is the right size for your needle is to take a piece of thread about a foot and a half long, and just slide a needle onto it. THen hold one end of the thread in each hand, and lift one end of the thread high enough so that the needle will (hopefully) slide freely. If it doesn't, you'll need to reduce thread size. Or get a bigger needle. I think the others were right when they said that the machine really isn't designed to do what you're trying to do. But more than likely, when you get your thread and needle right, you'll be fine. Keep in mind too, that if there is any sort of small burr on the needle plate, needle, or any other pc of metal that the thread comes in contact with, it can cause similar troubles. Best wishes, Kevin
  3. Hi Phil, Mike passed on some really good info for you! For what it's worth, you can also use your machine to punch holes for handsewing, by simply sewing without thread. At least, I've done that on occasion... One thing that will help when using the hand awl, is to have a chunk of paraffin, or beeswax handy. stroking that awl blade every now and then on the wax makes a huge difference! Happy Leather crafting! Kevin
  4. Very nice work! I saw a guy make a similar rig with a 1/2 inch strip of 8-9 oz leather sewn underneath the cartridge loops to keep the cartridges from going too far down in the loops. I thought that was a good idea.... Kevin
  5. Simple is always good..... Kevin
  6. That's a great pc of work! I especially like the lacing...very creative!
  7. HI... Actually, I call Steve from Cinema leather Mr. Cinema. And I refer to Lee Rottman at hermann oak as Mr. Hermann sometimes. I'm a little strange I guess. I think there's a Tim that is production manager at Zach's as well. At least there was when I went to a sewing seminar with him a few years ago. Great folks, and very knowledgeable. Sorry for confusion. Kevin
  8. Actually, I've had the same thing happen. Rawhide can be a cause, but quite often a tanning "burn" can cause the same thing. You won't see rawhide at all, but the leather is just hard as a rock. Can really cause grief on those heritage splitters. Kevin
  9. Zach is a great guy, and no doubt can help you. You might also consider Springfield leather. You don't need a tax number from them, and they have a wholesale program that will fit your needs. They've got hermann oak leather on sale for the next couple of months, at 4.75 per ft. Kevin Hopkins
  10. Hello... Springfield leather has quite a few items that are sold to handbag makers across the country. All the tandy stuff, and quite a bit more. 800-668-8518 IF you just type in Ohio travel bag, it will come up
  11. Hi... I think I have what you need. either black or nickel. Kevin@springfieldleather.com
  12. Hi...springfield leather sells clear vinyl by the yard. 417-881-0223
  13. Hi... there is a difference. Osborne costs more, and will last you longer, but you can buy others for less than Tandy charges, and much less than Osborne charges, and get better quality. Hi... THe osborne ones are better, but you can buy ones that are just as good, and that cost less than either osborne or tandy. Springfield leather
  14. Hi Randy. I probably have what you need. Kevin at Springfield leather. 800-668-8518
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