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About Spinner

  • Birthday 02/10/1973

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  • Location
    San Gabriel, CA

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    hand tooled artwork, Harley tank bibs, rear fender bibs, custom tool bags and acrylic painting/custom dying
  • Interested in learning about
    currently studying how handbags, backpacks, etc. are made.
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  1. A little bit of laser, hand tooling and airbrushing together for a retired Submariner.
  2. anything that helps a pup is a good thing in my book! Good on you Hags!
  3. Black Acetal works great for making stamps. You can buy it in sheets and rods of various thicknesses. US Plastics, ePlastics and others sell it online, cut to size/length.
  4. Thanks Chuck. When the client purchased the car, they got documentation allowing for the logo replication as long as the serial number is included in some way. It was originally meant for the owners (limited edition run) to be able to get shirts, hats, etc. done for shows but had no exclusions. After the first show the car was in, I got an email from the builder saying how they loved the bag so I think I'm good.
  5. Thanks. I laser engrave my own stamps.
  6. Black toolbag designed and made for a Dave MacDonald 289 Shelby Seabring Cobra 2017 Model 8" x 8" x 15" modeled after the toolbag that came with the original Shelby. Custom made stamps to match the car numbers and logo with serial number. Accented with hand stitched black & yellow waxed french linen thread. Natural calf skin lining.
  7. Hi Spinner, I'm seven years late in contacting you,  but I am a leather supplier located just outside of Detroit, MI and

    I HAVE HALF TANNED LEATHER.  I import it from Germany. The name of my company is 

    Roden Leather Company and we've been in business for about 100 years.

    Feel free to contact me at 800-521-4833 or email to rodenleather@gmail.com

    Alan Lappin

  8. Hey Joel, The colored areas receive two light coats of satin varnish to lock in the color and help with UV protection. This is followed up by applying 2-3 coats of Resolene over the entire piece with the last coats 24 hrs apart to create a hard finish. Next is buffing Pecards motorcycle leather dressing over the piece for that extra water resistance. Using this method I have had guys accidentally let gasoline run over a bib, as well as getting caught in the rain, with no ill effects if dabbed off quickly. The client then just needs to reapply the leather dressing when they get home.
  9. Thanks Blanket, appreciate the compliment.
  10. Some additional/real life info on the Techsew 2700...I'm a happy owner/user, not employee or paid. Sewing Capacity: 3/8' or 9.5mm maximum. You can fit more in there but it really doesn't like it. Foot Lift: Lever, 1/2" Bobbin Winder: standard, integrates inline with belt. Cylinder length: 270mm, clearance 225mm, diameter: 65mm Lubrication: manual Presser Feet: Singer 111 I can confirm it will run 207/210 thread using the correct size bladed leather needles. The attached pic is of a recent stitch it ran 138/92 t/b thread using a Tri-Point needle through 13-14 ounces of veg & chrome tanned stacked (center island) . It runs nice & true and controls easily with a servo motor.
  11. For the majority of my orders SLC does pretty well. Only issue I have ever had is with their Bomber Brown leather. They have one clear picture on the website but the lots vary so widely on the product that I had to stop ordering it. At first I thought they had screwed up an order but after trying to get the same leather as I received the first time, 4 subsequent orders were all filled with slightly difference color/grain pattern yet the customer service said it was the same. Can't have inconsistency like that so I source it elsewhere now but still order from them for stuff I know will be the same like 'roo lace and pre-dyed HO.
  12. Back in September I posted the raw toolings of these two bibs to share. Here they are all colored and mounted on the client's 2001 Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail. Also attached is the finished "no Evil" set ready for delivery.
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