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Status Updates posted by Spinner

  1. Only 26 orders left to fill...it's gonna be a looooong night!

    1. Spinner


      LOL Mike, I wish I could have, it was hard enough just to keep up with weekly orders let alone build inventory! Hehe WB, it's been a long time since I rapped my knuckles and that was on a much more difficult piece...now, catching the wood wrong and breaking a burnisher tip off...that's been slightly more recently. ;)

    2. WinterBear


      ooo, and how much did you swear after doing that?

    3. Spinner


      LOL...not much, I just turned the tip differently and added it to my personal collection. ;)

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  2. Wednesday, 8/31/2011 marks the last day I'll be doing "turned to order" burnishers. My family needs more of my attention so one of the hobbies has got to go! ;)

    1. Phatdaddy


      It happens, and when it all boils down you've got to look after #1.

    2. LNLeather


      Seems like there is never enough time for everything we want to do - family definitely comes first... BTW - I love mine too! :)

    3. Glock21


      I really like my burnisher thanks chris. Glad I got one!! Family is always numero uno!

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  3. lathe died today...burnisher turning is temporarily suspended while I find a new motor

    1. WinterBear


      eeep! Hope you find a good motor soon. I have your burnishers on my wishlist, but I can wait for 'em. ;]

    2. Spinner


      Thanks WB, hopefully Grainger will have a good one. Might be time for More Power! ;) variable speed would be nice too, will have to look into that.

  4. fingers are going numb...lacing a 12ft long run in triple loop and then 6ft of buckstitch...1/2 way there!

    1. Jim


      Don't be like the guy who tried to swim the Atlantic; he got half way across and decided he couldn't make it and swam back. Keep going!

  5. recieved the black dyed tooling leather from W&C, penetration is approximately 30% front and back, very deep black color. Tools & cuts just as well as the natural. Very happy.

    1. cem


      Thanks for that Spinner, good to know.

  6. Anyone know what brand matter/backgrounder is being used on the LW home page oak leaf picture?

    1. King's X

      King's X

      Looks like the 888 matting tool. good luck.

    2. Spinner


      Thanks X, I was afraid of that...looks like Tandy doesn't make it anymore but I can customize the 885 to work. ;)

  7. looking forward to trying W&Cs black tooling leather I just ordered...will be great if it retains it's color through tooling & wet forming!

    1. cem


      I'd be interested to know how you go with it as I was thinking of picking some up myself.

    2. Spinner


      I'll let you know cem. They are cutting a hide in half and splitting it to 6 & 9 oz for me so I can experiment.

    3. cem


      Thanks Spinner

  8. to the biker leather folks out there...side cover tutorial is underway, should have it done next week sometime.

  9. May have a custom job coming up for get this...a Navy aircraft carrier...not the tooling, but where the tooling would be hung. weird.

    1. LNLeather


      WOW, Very cool Chris - when will you find out if you got it? Do you have an idea how big the piece will be? Good luck to you – you deserve the job!

    2. Spinner


      Thanks LNL, we're discussing project particulars and such now. They are looking at a 36" dia. piece. Should know in a week or two but bidding has been tricky as they won't share the budget for it. LOL

  10. Last night life taught me to always be humble, have patience and to put the tools down when it's getting late...time to break out a new piece of leather & start over.

    1. simran


      I hate it when that happens!

    2. reddevil76


      Agreed. Wasted 4 belt blanks while trying to do 2 belts at 3am under a desk lamp. Next morning, under natural light and properly r

      ested, not a single mistake.

  11. I was a bit skeptical, I mean how much different could a swivel knife be from the rest...? Well, short answer: OMG! The SK-3 ROCKS! Love my custom grind too. ;)

  12. Just ordered up an SK-3...looking forward to using it!

  13. wet formed 1 tank bib tonight and completely tooled another...my freaking wrist feels like it's broken now. Fortunately both project are looking sweet.

  14. Free Burnisher set giveaway for Guilds starting up on my new website...tell your guild president to sign up! http://www.LeatherBurnishers.com

  15. woot! Mother-in-Law bought me a Viking sewing machine today thinking it would be for smaller projects. We were surprised to find out it handles 4oz doubled up like a champ. =)

    1. Bar C Leather

      Bar C Leather

      What model Viking? I need something that handles the smaller stuff and does some fancier stitches.

    2. Spinner


      Bar C - it's a Husqevarna/Viking Emerald 116. Has metal insides 11 or so basic/fancy stitches. So far it has run through double 4 oz and 6 layers of pigskin with no problems with a size 90 needls and 69z thread.

    3. Bar C Leather

      Bar C Leather

      Awesome... .taking note now! Thanks ;o)

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  16. 82 in Los Angeles today...gorgeous weather, especially for a long weekend...

    1. JRodz


      Rode down to Neptunes Net and the view was great. Looking forward to a long ride this weekend.

    2. Spinner


      Today was an awesome day for a ride...unfortunately I was stuck in the shop for most of it. Hitting the highway tomorrow though, hope the weather is as nice.

  17. designing a logo for a east coast bike shop...loads of drawing tonight!

    1. clicker


      Sound slike a pretty cool gig!

    2. Spinner


      It would be if the guy weren't so damn picky...lol If the owner wasn't a good acquaintance and possible leather client with good referrals I probably would've fired him by now! ;)

  18. Just used Fiebings white and grey dyes on a bib...check the dyes forum for a short review & tips I did

  19. Today had my work recognized by someone on an item I did for a client across the country from me - before they even saw the maker's mark...now that's a good feeling.

    1. whinewine


      That IS a super good feeling!

  20. family gifts can end up being the most frustrating 'clients'/gifts...

  21. 60 degrees and rising...supposed to by 72 on Friday...brrrr! :-)

    1. CitizenKate
    2. Dwight


      Warmin' up here, . . . was 10, now about maybe 14

  22. is going to be a dad sometime mid-June

    1. LNLeather


      How Exciting! Congratulations,


    2. Clay


      Very Cool! congrats!

    3. CitizenKate
  23. RAWR! New computer is set-up and it rocks!

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