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Boothill Bob

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Everything posted by Boothill Bob

  1. Can belive that. Its to bad that they have to order the name carved collars, but I can have two or three with me so they can see. Its fun to do something different :-)
  2. I´ve made my first dog collar just for trying. I make mostley holsters but I have to make outher things, cant live on holsters in Sweden.
  3. Now finally I´ve got my makerstamp. Here's mine ... got it from Phillips Engraving:whatdoyouthink: Hmmm. Something was missing......
  4. Välkommen Lasse, kul med lite fler svenskar här.. Du gör skit snygga saker:You_Rock_Emoticon: Här är min sida www.boothillbobholsters.dinstudio.se Hoppas vi hörs nått mer... //Henrik
  5. Its for sale:thumbsup:
  6. Only one wort to say BEUTIFUL....Want to make a saddle som time
  7. Now is my Ringo rig finished, a very nice rig for CAS shooting. Thanx for the pattern Will.
  8. Thanx JR. I thing the Ringo holster is a verry fast holster for us CAS shooters, same as the 3:10. Do u shoot?
  9. Hi Tom.. Verry beutiful work, make us Swedes proud:-)
  10. Hi. I use Artificial Sinew Natural when I´m sewing. I know that many use Waxed Linen Thread, I havent try that yet, but I Will do is some time.. Here is the complet rig
  11. tanx for the kind words Mr Ghormley. I should never try to pass them of as fakes, why would I, I'm almost as good as u ;-) JUST KIDDING, U ARE THE BEST!
  12. it took about 5 hours, isent so much work in it, its more on the belt.
  13. Yes we are... I have two Ruger NV cal 45 for CAS shooting
  14. Now I´ve maked the Ringo holster and I´m working on the belt.. Its a nice rig.. Tanx for your fine work with the pattern Mr Ghormley..
  15. I hand stitch all my work, dont even have a sewing machine
  16. This model has a toeplug, but u have right, most holsters is open. If u look in Packing Iron u will see that many holsters has a toeplug..
  17. I´m finiched with it maby some some EVO on it.
  18. Hi. I bought the pattern from Will so I think its ok to sell the holsters I make from it. http://www.willghormley-maker.com/MakingHOGRig.html //BhB
  19. Hi There. Now I have made a 3:10 to Yuma test holster. I have two orders on dubblerigs so I had to make a test. Can I make them or does I have to change someting? //BhB
  20. I hand stitch all my work, so it takes some time to make things, but I like the hand stitching
  21. Here is my first pair of saddlebags. It was fun to do but it took a long time. The customer was satisfied, maby beacuse he just have to pay $383 for it. But now I´ve raised the price
  22. What color is it, antiqe brown???
  23. Here is my latest work, its a dayplanner cover for my wife. I´m pretty new on carving and toolin so pls give me feedback. //BhB
  24. Hej Tina.. Då blir det nog att jag beställer därifrån. Det är ju bra att man får layouten före så att man får se hur det blir. Jag tackar sååå mycket för hjälpen.. //Boothill Bob
  25. Hej Trox. Det är en liknande stämpel som jag är ute efter också, dom var inte så dyra.. Men som du säger så känns det inte riktigt rätt att betala med kortet över telefonen . Men jag vill ju ha en så att jag kan märka mina alster...
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