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Everything posted by Sixer

  1. Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/C453-Craftool-Camouflage-Stamp-/290409961719?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item439dc858f7 Hope that helps
  2. Just another reason I love this forum! Thanks for the info guys... there's a good chance you may have already saved me hours of frustration. I will most definitely take my time and practice, practice, practice. Again, much appreciated AND I'm sure I'll have many more questions to come
  3. So my hands are finally going to get a break soon. My Cobra Class 4 "Dream Machine" is scheduled to arrive in a few days. Honestly, I'm a complete newb when it comes to sewing machines, so I'm a little anxious to get it. I have no expectations of being able to start cranking out holsters this weekend... as I'm sure there will be much to learn. I guess I'm just looking for any advice that might be helpful... anything that I should be aware of before getting started, or anything some of you guys wished you knew when you first started sewing with a machine. I really dont even know enough to ask specific questions... but any helpful info / advice that you could share would be appreciated! Thanks PS... Not sure if this post should be in the holster forum, but since that's what I'll be sewing, I figured I'd ask the members that use it for the same thing...
  4. Ebay is your friend... at least for the screws and washers... my search continues for black t-nuts at a reasonable price.
  5. I've been using standard manila folders to draw patterns and save as templates for holsters and stitch lines. After a number of times using the folder material it starts to bend, tear, etc. So I'm looking for ideas on a different material to use. I'm thinking a thin but durable plastic / synthetic material. The plastic dividers in my day planner would be perfect... only about .5 mm thick, but flexible, sturdy, and easy to cut. Unfortunately the dividers in my day planner are too small for anything useful. Anyhow, just curious what some of you guys use... and if anyone could point me in the right direction to find a similar material in larger sheets? Thanks!
  6. Sweet! I don't use a hair dryer... but if I did, I'd use that one! Haha. Although, I'm not sure I'd want to point that thing at my head
  7. This should help you out! http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=22992
  8. I used Angelus Orange on the thread and the inlay on this holster. It turned out... Orange!
  9. I had a VERY similar request a few months ago, but never sent anything out... sent you a PM on that just out of curiosity. I also need to add that I have given holsters out for free! I made a few for some of the guys at one of our local gun shops. They have sent me a lot of local business and are great about handing out my business cards, etc... So I figured I owed them Plus, they are instuctors, gunsmiths, etc... so their feedback is always helpful.
  10. So with my new sewing machine on the way I've decided to do a little extra marketing and advertising on a few small gun forums. While it has generated quite a few orders, I have a request or two for "testers". Now it's one thing for a customer to place an order and then make sure to let me know that he "knows a lot of people with guns"... as if maybe he should get a slight discount... because "people with guns" are hard to come by, haha. I recently received an e-mail from a gentleman "offering" to test out my holsters if I sent him a freebie. The e-mail read a little something like this - " I seen your post, and if you are looking for a few holster testers i would surely be interested. I know a lot of people with guns and frequent the local gun shops here so I could probably get you some business..." I'm fairly new at this compared to most of you, so I'm sure you guys get requests like this from time to time. I just thought it was kind of funny. My reply - "I appreciate the offer. Since each holster is handmade to order, I don't really have any in stock to send you... and with a lead time of about 4 weeks on current orders, I just don't have the time or resources to send out any more 'testers'. But rest assured, my holsters have been put through the gauntlet by myself, various LEO's, CCW instructors, and others! If you're interested, I just posted a rough price list so feel free to place an order and we can get something nice worked up for you!" I wanted to be polite, but let him know that I'm not really in the habit of sending out free holsters to random people. Now if Massad Ayoob want's a free holster to review, no problem! Otherwise, you gotta PAY to play Anyway, that's my rant... Just thought i'd share. Do you guys get this a lot? What are your thoughts?
  11. I really like Edge Kote... can't say that I've had any issues with it rubbing off. Typically, I apply one or two coats after burnishing. I then apply Fiebing's Leather Sheen spray to the entire project. Seems to do the trick
  12. Colt, Looks great! I think if (when) I make this style I'll use that method. I like the idea of the loops being seperate. Thanks for the link and help!
  13. I've made a few Glock 26/27 holsters using my own Glock 23. Just cut the pattern to fit the shorter of the two (G19) and use your Glock 17 when you do the detailing. You'll have a bit of the dummy gun sticking out of the end, but that wont hurt anything. The Glock 19 should fit perfect!
  14. woodandsteel, Perfect! I'm a visual learner type guy so these pics will be a great help. Much appreciated!
  15. Awesome stuff guys! That really helps me get a grasp on the final pattern. I may not end up making this one for myself... but it would be nice to have it as an option for others. Does anyone happen to have a pic of the holster with the belt loops unsnapped? Thanks again for all the great info!
  16. I've been wanting to make a holster for myself and I think I've finally decided on the basic style. Problem is I've never attempted this style before, so I'm hoping to get a little help before I start wasting leather. The OWB with snap on loops... seems simple enough but I've never seen one on a belt or with the loops un-snapped. So I'm curious, how do you guys attach the belt loops? I'm assuming it's similar to an IWB with belt loops but I cant quite seem to wrap my tiny brain around it. Here is a pic of the style I'm talking about.... I appreciate any help! Thanks
  17. FB is a great way to market your product! I started of like Big O... posting pics of my work to my personal profile from time to time. When I started getting inquiries and orders from my friends and their friends I decided to make a seperate page just for leatherwork. It's probably not as effective as your own website, but it's free! I even list my FB page / address on my business cards. It's perfect for anyone (even those w/o a FB account) to go online and check out your work. Did I mention that it's FREE!? Sixer
  18. I recently (well not that recently) received a request for a magazine and flashlight carrier. The customer is looking for something that will clip on to his belt or pants and ride horizontally on his hip. He wants the mag carrier to be flat on the back, with a snap or velcro flap over the top... something that I have not been able to do thus far. This should be a fairly easy project for most of you, but it's just a bit out of my comfort level. Here are a few rough sketches he sent me to give you a basic idea. If anyone is interested in giving this a try I would greatly appreciate it. Let me know and I can PM his contact info and more details. P.S. The magazine is an 8rd Walther PPS single stack. Thanks!
  19. Thank you fellas! I appreciate the kind words... This holster will be a Christmas gift to the customer's father-in-law, so I was a bit nervous from the start. Slightly out of my comfort zone. I couldn't exactly call him before the weekend and tell him " sorry, I messed it up " haha... By some stroke of luck it turned out alright! On a side note.... I wish I had time to get into hand carved work. The rigs some of you turn out with such quality and detail completely blow me away. Thanks again for the feedback and MERRY CHRISTMAS
  20. I usually stick to the "carry and conceal" type holster but recently had a request for a "cowboy" style holster. Luckily I had my Stohlman book with some great patterns, just gathering dust in the garage. I put it to use and this is what I came up with... It was a fun project and the first time I've ever tried the mexican loop / buckle type holster. I'm still new to the stamping and border stuff so I didn't go too crazy. I was pretty happy with the final product P.S. I have no idea why I have spurs !? Only been on a horse twice in my life, haha ... thought I'd throw them in the pic as a little prop.
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