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About funnygirl62221

  • Birthday December 25

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Belleville, IL
  • Interests
    Movies, Pet Rescue, Leatherworking, Family, TV.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    belts, cases, wallets
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  1. haha brilliant! Isn't it funny how easy it is to overlook the simplest solutions? I never would have thought of graph paper.
  2. Thank you Sylvia for your suggestions. I tried making my own pattern but it turned out kinda wonky. I will try and apply your infor and see if that helps :D
  3. Hi All, I can't seem to find a pattern for an ID holder. Am I calling it the wrong thing? I'm talking about the see through holder you put your student ID or work ID in and hang from your neck on a lanyard. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks! Ellen
  4. I like these... http://www.brettunsvillage.com/leather/ http://www.leatherunltd.com/index.html
  5. this might help http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=19782
  6. Hi all, I am still a bit confused about the pieces of the album. It looks like on the outside of it there are 3 separate pieces? A front, back and a piece along the spine? And they are sewn together. Then the stiffiner is glued to the other side and lining is put on top of that. Is the lining all in one piece? I am more of a visual learner so I'm having a bit of trouble wading through all the descriptions. Thanks for all the info. though it is a huge help
  7. Here here!
  8. Thanks so much for this tutorial. It was a huge help
  9. Awesome! I love the design
  10. What the heck is that thing???
  11. I really like the coloring and design. Can I get a copy of the purse pattern? It's pretty cool
  12. THAT is a masterpiece!
  13. I just ran across your pdf download. Thx!!
  14. Hi Kevin, I really like the wallet liners you use. Is there a specific site you get them from? Ellen
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