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  1. F.O. Baird was a well-known saddle maker. Had a saddle shop in Los Angeles in the 1930"s. Best known for his book "Leather Secrets".
  2. Tosch, If you are confused, join the club. With the contradictory definitions of the "historical" semi-quarter, quarter, and full-quarters horse bars, we decided to use the angle expressed in degrees, as indicated in the original post. We ran into a problem in that due to the design of the bars and construction methods used by tree makers, the angle can be modified, yielding a different angle. You could start out with a 90 degree angle and end up with a 93 degree angle. So one tree makers 90 degree angle fits like another's 93 degree angle. You thought you were getting a tree with a 90 degree angle, but in reality get a tree with a 93 degree angle. Think about building a house. The builder uses a meter with 1000 mm, but the cabinet maker uses a meter with 995 mm, and the door maker uses a meter with 1003 mm. Nothing will fit. That puts us right back where we started. While we would prefer to use the angle expressed in degrees, until a consensus can be reached as to what the angle in degrees actually means, we decided after much discussion, that body type was the best option. As to quarter horse bars, mule bars, Arabian bars, etc. There are based on the conformation of the breed. There are various designs within the breeds, I.E. Northwest and Arizona bars in quarter horses. These bar designs consist of bar sub elements such as rock, flare, twist, length, etc. that fit the breed conformation. The problem here is again these are "historical". With cross breading and selective breading in the past 30 years or so the conformations are changing. For example, the "historical" Arabian bar was based in the Egyptian Arabian conformation. These bars generally will not fit the Polish Arabian conformation. In the quarter horse conformation, the modern Paint horse has a similar problem.
  3. A. W. Maier was in business from 1914 to 1947 in Fredericksburg, TX.
  4. oltoot, Can't agree more. With one reference saying semi-quarter horse bars are narrow and another saying just the opposite, what is a saddle customer to do. Of course the answer is education, but we feel we must start some where. These descriptions have been used for decades with in the general public forum, so we decided to start with some baby steps. We thought about diferent bar patterns. 90 degree Arizona Quarter horse bars with 6 1/4" gullet width. Thanks, for your comments
  5. Folks, we are looking for some advice and counsel. In 2010 ASMA started the Saddle Fit Project. We have one issue we have not been able to resolve. That being the definition of tree bars. IE: quarter horse bars - semi-quarter horse bars – full quarter horse bars. We have come to the conclusion that these definitions are no longer viable due to mis-use and contradictory information. When we did a GOOGLE search on semi-quarter horse bars we got all types on information. Here are four examples from just the first 2 pages. Semi Quarter Horse bar - This type usually has a gullet width of about 6 1/2 inches. Semi-quarter horse bars: 6" Generally, Semi-QH bars are made for horses with more sloped sides and not so wide backs. A semi-qh tree is supposed to fit horses with a more TB or narrow build. Semi-Quarter Horse Bars - horses got bigger and wider from the 1970's on, requiring a wider angle in the bars. Semi-quarter horse bars fit most of todays western horses. See how they contradict each other. No wonder people are confused! Therefore, we propose the following: ASMA recommends that the tree bars be described as angle in degrees and type of bar. For example: 90 degree Quarter horse bars 90 degree Mule bars 90 degree Arabian bars. This can be expanded by adding the gullet width. 90 degree Quarter horse bars - with a gullet width of: 6" 90 degree Quarter horse bars - with a gullet width of: 6 1/4" 93 degree Quarter horse bars - with a gullet width of: 6 1/4" 93 degree Quarter horse bars - with a gullet width of: 6 1/2" Not trying to start a war. Just trying to find some common ground that makes sense. Look forward to your comments.
  6. There was a Western Saddle Mfg. Co. in Denver, CO. In Business from 1885 to the late 1950's.
  7. Reline saddle with sheep skin and replace strings -- National Average -- $ 403.93
  8. The ASMA web site has a list of western saddle making schools in the training section. www.saddlemakers.org
  9. Texas Tanning and Mfg. Co. was in business from the 1920's to the 1940's.
  10. Seb, Try Bill Bill Gomer 1939 Diamond Springs Road Highland, KS 66035 1-785-0442-3048
  11. Try the Hermann Oak web site for a distributor. http://www.hermannoakleather.com/about/find-a-distributor
  12. This year we have seen an increase in inquiries regarding insurance coverage for saddle makers. Some new makers looking for coverage and some established makers looking for coverage after being dropped by their old insurance company. The main issue is product liability. ASMA would like to develop a page on our website that would list those insurance companies that insure saddle makers. Therefore, we are asking for you to post the name of your insurance company here or e-mail the information to info@saddlemakers.org. Thanks
  13. Beiler's Manufacturing and Supply. Order Catalog at 717-768-0174
  15. The Saddle Fit Project has been finished and is now titled WESTERN SADDLE FIT. Saddle fit is subjective in that what is a positive fit to one rider may not be a positive fit to another rider. In developing the information for the project, we found that it is next too impossible to define a system or way to achieve a positive saddle fit. Each saddle maker or saddle fitter has developed their own system to achieve a positive saddle fit. Therefore, as long as the saddle fit is positive in relation to the requirements of the rider, the method used in determining the positive saddle fit is not of concern and it is not our intention to recommend or dictate any method. Therefore, the Saddle Fit Project focused on the elements and factors that effect saddle fit and how they are related to each other. As with saddle fitting this is an on-going project and as new information is developed, it will be added. The WESTERN SADDLE FIT information is available on-line or in printed book form. Go the ASMA web site www.saddlemakers.org and click on WESTERN SADDLE FIT. The WESTERN SADDLE FIT book can be ordered on the web site for $9.95 + 5.50 postage
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