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Everything posted by bison

  1. I've got a custom order for a 3-ring binder that I need help with.  I usually secure the binding mechanism to the cover using silver screw back conchos. The client does not want anything "flashy" and wants something flat, no decoration at all, and black like the cover leather.  Any thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bob Blea

      Bob Blea

      I think tin would work.  Personally I would probably use a thin piece of plastic (or styrene) because it would be less flexible and would want to maintain it's flat shape. It won't take much to reinforce that thick of leather.  But tin works just fine on saddles...

    3. bison


      The styrene sounds like a great idea!  Thanks for that.  Then I could rivet the rings through the liner to the styrene and they'd never show through the cover.


      I appreciate the insight.

    4. Bob Blea

      Bob Blea

      I think that would be a very clean way to do it.

  2. I have also found that running the tool over my strop a few times helps a lot. I just rub the bottom and the face 5-6 times each then the tool glides along the cut. When it starts to hang up a bit, I do it again...every few inches or so.
  3. I do the same as Eccho in drilling out the rivets...very carefully. You really need that little "standoff" that is part of the clip. So I drill from the outside only. Then I use flat head machine screws that fit my concho that I will use to secure it to my notebook. It will depend on the thickness of the leather and the clip, but I usually end up with about a 3/8". I also put a drop of superglue in the hole in the concho before securing it. That really helps keep it tight long term. I get the screws at Lowes. Just take the concho along to make sure they fit!
  4. Thanks Colt and Ken. I appreciate the insights.
  5. I would ask Barry. Every time I've had a question like that he's been a great help. My only thought would be that it depends on the design. Mir I have a complex design with small areas of background, I usually go with a smaller size. For larger areas I use a larger bargrounder, as it seems to fit the overall design better, but always use the same size for the whole design.
  6. Not sure exactly what you're looking for, but I would go to Barry King Tools and look through his stamps. He has a nice variety and they are top grade tools. Dave
  7. A client who purchased a leather portfolio is moving to a desert climate and asked me about conditioner for the leather. When I made it, I used Bee Natural #1 Saddle oil and finished with Wyosheen after antiquing. It's heavily carved, so I wouldn't want to recommend a paste, probably. What do you all suggest? Dave
  8. An old cowboy once told me when we were fixing fence to "slow down son, we're in a hurry". Best advice I ever got!
  9. I cover my patterns front and back with clear contact film...shelf liner I think is how it's sold in Walmart. It's cheap, keeps the back from getting wet and the front from getting torn up. If you're careful it should last a long time. And the stylus is the best way to go. Dave
  10. You're in a great place. I just moved away from OKC after 22 years. It will always be home! Enjoy the grand kids!
  11. I'd look in the motorcycle section. They do dyed seats and use a variety of sealants to prevent rub off. I have used Clear-Lac, and have had good luck with it.
  12. Thanks!
  13. My daughter weaves quite a bit and she wove this guitar strap for her boyfriend. She asked me to make the leather tabs for it. I uses two pieces of 2-3 oz veg tan, glued and stitched. Riveted and stitched to the strap. Included his initials. What a lot of fun to work with my daughter!
  14. Those special custom orders can sometimes be a challenge, but it looks like you met that challenge and more. I always look forward to seeing pictures of your work.
  15. Nice looking rig! I like the rough out and the tooling. After five years of leather work I'm just about ready to move into making my first saddle. I appreciate you putting your photos up here and getting feedback from the experts. It helps me understand the process a bit more. Looking forward to seeing your next one. Dave
  16. Wow! Thanks for all the links Winter Bear! And Bruce, I appreciate the link to Hansen.
  17. Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it. I knew silver would be high, so the price didn't shock me...too badly! Thanks again, Dave
  18. I'm looking for a sterling silver hat band buckle set. Anyone know of a dealer that would carry them? I know Tandy and others sell shiny "silver" sets, but that's not what the customer wants. Looked at Montana Silversmiths, but they don't carry them that small as far as I can see. Thanks! Dave
  19. I'm looking for a sterling silver hat band buckle set. Anyone know of a dealer that would carry them? I know Tandy and others sell shiny "silver" sets, but that's not what the customer wants. Looked at Montana Silversmiths, but they don't carry them that small as far as I can see. Thanks! Dave
  20. Bob, Is there a link for the show? Are your classes still open? Dave
  21. Beautiful work Chuck. I am always impressed by the attention to detail in your work. I spend a lot of time at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum and your pieces would absolutely be right at home with their original pieces. Thanks for posting. Dave
  22. Just shipped an order to McMurdo station, Antarctica!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bison


      I know! I shipped to the end of the earth!!!

    3. Jazznow


      How much was the shipping?

      Something around 200$ plus the renting fee for an ice breaker?

    4. bison


      Since it was an APO, it was the same as any first class package in the US.

  23. Looks great and works great on my iPad. Thanks for all the hard work.
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