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Everything posted by machinehead

  1. http://www.ebay.com/itm/raccoon-Tanned-winter-hide-skin-Tubed-Soft-tanned-pelt-/251901347579?hash=item3aa67d86fb:g:lHYAAOSweW5VHHXO Seller has another size available.
  2. From the same site I offer this.... http://leathersmithe.com/california-historical-tanne/where-those-medicos-tan.html That is some interesting stuff there.
  3. Here is a very well done site with a great deal of info on many leather related topics. An old hippy with a lifetime of experience shares sandal making among other things.Check the links. http://leathersmithe.com/photo-galleries.html
  4. Here is a Canadian supplier. https://www.etsy.com/listing/231439430/34-flat-lambskin-binding-in-brown-5-yds?ref=shop_home_active_4&ga_search_query=binding
  5. I have a small quantity of very hard to find New Old Stock Genuine Singer Brand 97x4 Leather Point Needes in size 28 only, as well as larger quantities of 97x3 New Old Stock Singer Round Point Needles in sizes 26,27,28,29 and 30. Price for the Leather Point 97x4 SIZE 28 is 20 Quantity for $40.00 including postage to the U.S. Price for the 97x3 Round Point is 20 Quantity for $28.00 including postage to the U.S. Message me if you are interested.
  6. Hey Glenn... Thanks for setting me straight on this. My memory comes and goes. And to think I used to work in a shop that had a Model E curved needle that was a spare machine. It wasn't in the main work area but I would walk past it several times a day.Try as I might though, I can't remember seeing the earlier A,B, or C models yet. Maybe I need to go out to my shop and see if there are any there. Tim, how are you coming along with your curved needle?
  7. Tim, all jokes aside, when you pick up the machine there are a couple of things I would do before even thinking about moving it. First, I would remove the foot pedal. It is just sticking out there begging to be broken off. The cast mounting plate for the motor can be fragile. Ask if there are any wrenches that go with it. It uses square male and female ones that are important to have.Same thing for any bobbins, needles, awls or parts.... grab them if they are there. Manuals for downloading are easy to find.
  8. Well, you paid about a dollar a pound for the beast. She's a very big girl and when you're dancing with her while loading and unloading she likes to lead. Speaking of dancing, if you get her stitching you're going to have to learn to dance to her tune in order to sew well. Best of Luck.
  9. There is a Landis No. 12 Model 88A that is a McKay chainstitch machine, but generally a Landis 12 refers to a curved needle and awl lockstitch machine for sewing soles on boots and shoes. To my knowledge the first model was the F followed by the G, K, and L. Each one supposedly had improvements over the previous.
  10. Circuit Rider is probably looking at one of the Chinese patching machines badged " Bantam" and sold by Bantam Saddle Tack on their own website as well as Ebay.
  11. Looks similar to the Singer 16-188 in terms of its independently adjustable top and bottom feed. http://partsbooks.sewingmachine.com/Chandler/DY337,100RB.pdf
  12. Here is a handy chart for inquiring minds. Enjoy http://horween.com/leathers/full-tannage-list/ Rancourt & Company, shoemakers in Maine, refer to Rockford as ( Cow ) Side Leather.
  13. I believe that your machine is the single needle version of the early class 45 Singer. From ismacs.net we have http://ismacs.net/singer_sewing_machine_company/model-list/images0-99/45w2.jpg.
  14. I acquired this machine during the purchase of several others. It was set up on a new table with one of the smoothest operating clutch motors that I have ever used. I set my Singer 153 K 103 up on the table after I set the folding machine off to the side so it was more like buy the table and motor and get the folding/gluing machine for next to nothing. The gluing machine suffers from someone not cleaning the glue out after it was last used. Other than that the machine seems complete and the heater to melt the glue works. It would be a good machine to do a big production run of glued and folded edges on small leather goods.
  15. I have one in my shop. Will need some work to operate. A project for another day. You are entirely welcome.
  16. It is part number 8627 Flat Vibrating Presser Spring. You can see it on plate 156 on the link you included in your post. There are other parts that mount on the spring that you will need if you don't have them. Bob at Toledo Industrial Sewing Machines ( Banner Ad at top of this site ) would be a good place to inquire. If he sees your excellent photo he will help you sort it out.
  17. Well now. In light of this experience that you have just now told us about and given your opinion of used machines....You have answered the question that you posed in your first post. Go with the Ferdco Pro. Juki is top notch and if you are buying other equipment you might have some bargaining leverage. I would still get a quick tutorial on it though.
  18. Words to live by for someone who doesn't know their way around industrial machines. In regard to going with someone available to talk to and close to Indiana, you might give Cowboy Bob at Toledo Industrial Sewing Machines a call to discuss his Cowboy 441 clone. Less shipping means more money to spend on leather, thread, etc. This is in no way a slam against Steve because I would advise someone near California to talk to him.
  19. Have you considered using Link Belt? It is kinda pricey, but can save you time and aggravation. Most sewing machines and speed reducers use a 3L belt. There are different brands to choose from so search for the best price as it can vary considerably.
  20. Tandy and Springfield Leather Company carry it. Search for bag stiffener.
  21. For future reference Warkov - Safeer in Winnipeg carries Angelus.
  22. In " Google Books" search for the book " Saddlery and Harness Volume 17 " then search within the book for Singer 34 k. If this doesn't work add Journal after Harness. Click " about this book" to see other similar books at the bottom of the page.
  23. https://books.google.com/books?id=x9U-AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA52&lpg=PA52&dq=singer+34k+-+1+sewing+machine&source=bl&ots=5WpRh36Cqp&sig=L5Z8tTpTH64GWG4cLcGNGK8s_KU&hl=en&sa=X&ei=ALRxVf2oHIqTsAXOyYOwCg&ved=0CFEQ6AEwCw#v=onepage&q=singer%2034k%20-%201%20sewing%20machine&f=false An interesting 34K
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